Chapter 32

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Evey yawned as she walked toward Harrington's room. She had checked on him a few hours ago, and the sun was rising. She could see throughout the house without bumping into walls or furniture.

She had woken up with her head on Ford's chest. His heartbeat was the first thing she heard. She had gotten off the bed without waking him.

Evey tapped her knuckles on the door before nudging it open. Harrington was lying on the bed. His eyes were closed, and she assumed that he was still sleeping. Evey smiled, glad that he was comfortable enough to rest.

She blew the candle out before noticing something odd. His breathing had been shallow, but his chest did not rise and fall with each breath. His body was still. Evey put two fingers to his neck to feel no pulse.

She swore. She was sure that she could save his life.

She pinched the bridge of her nose and shook her head. When she opened her eyes, she furrowed her brows. Drops of blood were on the white pillowcase. It was on the opposite side of his amputation. The crimson was above his head. Evey examined the side of Harrington's face to see no wounds.

Evey's eyes scanned down Harrington's body. Blood was caked under his fingernails. He had been scratching something, but his body had no scrapes. It had to have come from someone else.

Her heart sunk into her chest when it hit her.

Gomez had murdered Harrington.

She balled up her fists and hurried out of the room. Ford was standing in the doorway of the bedroom they were sleeping in. He was rubbing his eyes with the heel of his hand.

"I'm going to kill him!" Evey shouted.

Ford raised a brow. He tried to keep up with Evey as she rushed out of the house. Gomez was standing in the street talking to Johnson and Connar. He glanced up at Evey as she charged forward.

"What-?" he asked.

He was cut off when Evey swung and hit Gomez in the face. His head turned to the side. Blood gushed from his nose. She brought her knee up and hit him in the stomach. She swung her hand again, but someone grabbed her elbow.

She expected it to be Ford, but she turned to see that it was Johnson. She fought against his hold, but he wrapped his arm around her. She screamed and thrashed in his grip. Ford had his arms crossed over his chest. He had a hint of a smirk.

"I'm going to kill you!" Evey screamed.

Gomez's hands were covering his face. He held onto his nose, and blood was dripping past his fingers.

"What the hell did I do?" Gomez asked.

"You killed Harrington!" she screamed. "You're a fucking coward!"

"I didn't do shit."

Johnson had a crushing grip on Evey's wrists. She tried to shake him off. Johnson sighed.

"Harrington is dead?" he asked.

"Yes, because Gomez murdered him!" Evey shouted.

"Why do you think that I killed him?" Gomez asked.

Evey's eyes fell on Gomez's arm. Scratches ran down his skin. A few had oozed blood and were dried on his skin. They were marks from Harrington trying to fight for his life, which angered her more.

"I don't know what happened," Evey said. "But I know that you killed him. You're covered in scratches, and Harrington has blood under his nails."

Evey threw her elbow back and hit Johnson in the stomach. His grip loosened for a moment, and Evey took the opportunity to rip herself free. Her hands grazed her thighs, and she cursed herself for not bringing any weapons. She was so caught up in her rage that she was not thinking straight. She swung her fist again, but he turned, and she hit his shoulder. She threw punches at Gomez, and he tried to deflect them.

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