Chapter 9

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"Love, we're going to be late" Draco yelled from the living room.

"I'm coming, I'm coming" you said, walking down as you tried to put on a necklace. "Could you help me put this on, love?" you asked handing him the necklace. "Draco?"

Draco snapped out of his thoughts and smiled at you. "Sorry" he said, grabbing the necklace.

"What?" you asked, blushing a little, feeling his eyes on you.

"You look beautiful" he said, genuinely.

"Yeah?" you asked, with your smile getting wider. Draco smiled back at you and leaned over to kiss you.

"Yeah" he said before he helped put your necklace on. "Are you sure you want me to go?" he asked, nervously.

"Yes" you assured him, giving him another peck on the lips. "I want to go to my friend's wedding and I want my husband to come with me" you informed him. "We can leave whenever you want, okay?"

"Okay" he agreed, kissing your forehead before he apparated you to the Burrow. "Are you alright?" he asked when he felt you tense up.

"Y-yeah" you said, smiling nervously. "Is just... a long time since I've been here" you said. "Come on, let's go" you said walking into the big tent behind the Burrow.

"Can we leave now?" Draco asked, nervously.

"Draco, we just got here" you complained, with a small smile.

"I know, but everyone is staring at us" he whispered.

"Just ignore it" you said, rolling your eyes. "Come on, we're sitting with Dean and Neville, you'll be fine-"

"I will certainly not be fine" Draco complained.

"Would you stop whining? Look, Luna is nice to everyone and I threatened Dean and Neville to be nice to you" you assured him.

"What about Finnigan?"

"Yeah, he doesn't like you" you quickly replied as you two reached the group. "Hi guys" you said happily before Draco could complain again. You sat next to Luna and Draco took the seat beside you.

"Hello, (Y/N), Draco" Luna said kindly, smiling at you. "Isn't everything just lovely?" you said dreamily.

"Yeah, it really is" you said, smiling back at her.

"Is this what your wedding looked like?" you asked curiously.

Draco let out an offended scoff at the same time, Dean and Neville snorted and laughed. You turned to glare at your husband before you did the same with your friends and smiled back at Luna.

"It was... different" you admitted. "But it was pretty beautiful as well" you told her.

"(Y/N)?!" you turned around to face the youngest Weasley with the biggest smile on her face. "Oh, Merlin you came!"

"Ginny, hi" you said, standing up and walking past Draco to greet the redhead girl.

"I am so glad you're here! Mum has been waiting for you to show up! Mind if I steal you for a moment?"

"Oh, Ginny, I don't think that's the best idea, I mean isn't the wedding about to start? And I don't want to disturb your mum-"

"Nonsense, she will be excited to see you, come on!" she said pulling you away. You turned to look back at Draco.

"I'll be right back okay? I promise!" you said before being pulled by Ginny and standing in front of none other than Molly Weasley.

"Mum! (Y/N)'s here!"

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