Y/n's new life

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Author POV

As Y/n was thinking, she didn't notice someone was staring at her..

Felix POV

I was staring at the new girl and I didn't notice that Channie hyung was calling me

Bangchan: Felix? Bro why you starin' at the new girl? Perhaps,....... DO YOU LIKE HER?!-

Hyung shouted as I covered his mouth quickly- I felt some stares at me including the new girl's.....

Felix: shut it hyung! Everyone's looking at us!
Chan: Ok ok.. But answer me...
Felix: uh..... IDK? I'm confused...
Chan: Me too bro... Like you and... Uhm... Soyeon just broke up so... It's not that easy for a person to catch feelings for someone else just after a break up..
Felix : Whatever... Currently I don't have any...


Y/n: What's wrong with them? I said as I heard one of the boys scream.
Chiyo: It's nothing.. Oh and the boy next to Felix is Bangchan.. Also known as Chris btw. Chiyo said.
Y/n: Let me guess.. He's Hannah's brother? I asked Chiyo.
Chiyo: Yeah..

•Next part coming soon•...

An Australian boy and An Indian Girl | Lee Felix × Reader ff | 13+Where stories live. Discover now