Will Y/n adapt to her new school?

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Y/n: Chiyo, is there anyone else I should be aware of? I asked.
Chiyo: Uhm Yes...Well you already saw Sana, She has a sis.. Momo Hirai.. The two are step-sisters but still are close.. Also she's Felix's 1st ex.. Rumors say that she sends him inappropriate pics of herself...She said.
Y/n: So who's Felix's 2nd ex.? I asked.
Chiyo: Well, her name is Soyeon... Felix's friend Minho told me that Felix hasn't got over her yet.. She said.
Y/n: Why did they break up then?? I asked out of curiosity.
Chiyo: Because she moved back to Korea. Me, Hannah, Lia, Yeji, Rosé, Lisa, Soyeon, Chaewon and Yiren were best friends... She suddenly moved to Korea and she didn't even tell us... She told me.
Y/n: Hmm.... I said patting her back.

                        Lunch time
Chiyo: I'm done, I'll wait for you in the lawn, I'll be in one of the benches.  Chiyo said.
Y/n: Yeah sure! Y/n said.
Momo: Well well well, who do we have here?? The new b!tch? Momo said grabbing Y/n's hair.
Y/n: AHHH!-. Mmhmhbm! Y/n screams while her mouth is covered.
Momo: How dare you get my sister in trouble?! Momo angrily asked.
Y/n: Ah! *Takes breath* Well it's not me who got her in trouble, she did it to herself! AHH! Y/n says while getting slapped by Momo.
Momo: Don't you ever tell anyone, ANYONE that we did this to you, and don't even think about getting close to Felix. Momo said.
Y/n: I never want to get close to him.. He's the one who started a fight with me.. OWW! Y/n Said getting kicked in her stomach.
Momo: SHUT YOUR FUCK!NG MOUTH! Momo says while kicking Y/n in the stomach.
Momo: Let's go Sana!. She said.
Sana: That's what you get!

After a few minutes

Hannah comes inside the washroom
Lisa: What- OMG! Y/N, WAKE UP!
Chaewon: GIRLS LIFT HER UP IN 3 2 1! LIFT!

After all that

Dr. Jisoo: Y/n! Y/n! Can you hear me?!
Y/n: Uhuh?? Where am I? Yn asked.
Dr.Jin: Phew, Sis I thought she had to move to the hospital, but she succeeded!Yes. Dr. said.
Dr. Jisoo: Oppa! Sometimes your jokes are not funny! Are you ok Y/n?? She asked.
Y/n: Yes I am..*tries to get up* OW! Maybe not... Y/n said.
Dr Jin: Jokes aside, I think someone did this to her! I mean look at the bruises! He said.
Dr. Jisoo: Yeah your right! Ok Y/n don't be afraid, tell us who did this? She asked.
Y/n: No-no one! I- I just fell down thats it! Y/n stuttered and said.


Felix POV

What happened to her?? And why am I caring?? But she's badly injured..... FELIX! SNAP OUT OF IT!

~Next part soon~

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