Love At First Sight (rachael)

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Ding! I walked out of my first class and was heading to my next class, when I looked down at my books. I ran into a brown-haired hunk of a guy. I dropped my books and he helped me pick them up. On the last book, both of our hands touched and he grabbed the last book. He gave it to me shook my hand and said," Hi, I'm Vince. I was blushing and quickly said Rachael. He told me to be careful next time and he went on his way. Then, I went to my next class. It seemed that the class took forever to finish. I was mostly too caught up in the fact that my hand touched a jocks! Ms.Green. Ms.Green! I snapped back into reality and said,"yes Mrs.Renalds?" She asked me what the Capitol of Texas was since we were learning about Texas History. I answered back, "Austin." She told me very good and went back to talking about History. Blaa Blaa Blaa Texas Blaa. That's pretty much all I heard all class period until Mrs.Renalds said," class, you will have a test over what we just learned." Right then, I knew I was going to fail.

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