Home sweet home

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My dad gave me the death stare. I looked back at him with puppy eyes and a sad face. He didn't say a thing and walked to the computer desk. He searched plane tickets and then he printed them. He gave one to me and then Vince and he started to pack everything up. Once we were ready, my dad pushed us out the door. We got on the plane and there were 2 tickets together and 1 separate. Me and Vince sat together and my dad sat alone. I felt kinda bad for him so I kissed him on the head and sat back down in my seat. The whole way home I was asleep laying on Vince's shoulder. When the flight landed and we were at the airport, I was still asleep. Vince shook me on the shoulder and said," Rachael, my princess wake up." When I looked up at him his eyes were looking into mine. I picked my head off of his shoulder then stood up to grab my bags. We walked off of the plane then met up with my dad in the airport terminal. We went to Guadalajara's and ate before going to the car. When we got to the car we piled in and drove off. We didn't really talk until my dad said," I know that you loved home and I shouldn't have made you move." "To make up for it, WHO WANTS BUCEES!" We all looked back and forth at each other with eyes lit up. Yes! We parked and walked in. When we got inside, I went straight to the candy section. Vince followed me, and when I picked out gummy worms he sarcastically said," wow! Really brings out your inner child." I smirked at him and then he picked out sour gummy worms. I looked at him and raised my eyebrows. He grinned then we walked to the register. When we checked out, Vince walked to the stuffed animal isle. My dad whispered to me, what's he doing? Vince came back and checked out. When he got up to me he handed me a giant teddy bear! My favorite animal! I hugged him tight then said,"you didn't have to spend your money on me!" He smiled then said," I did it because it's your favorite animal, and I love you." I laughed then ruined the moment by snorting. I thought to myself, nice move ex-lax! We all laughed then left to go get in the car. I was super tired and I couldn't decide weather to sleep on Vince or the bear! I giggled in my mind then decided on the bear. I didn't want to wake Vince. While I was sleeping I felt a head on my shoulder, Vince must have wanted to sleep on me. My dad looked back and I could hear him laugh and say," we're almost there you guys, we're almost there." In the morning, My dad shook me awake and said," rise and shine were home!" We both looked up and got out of the car. We walked in the house and then sat down for some coffee. While we were drinking Vince yelled," I forgot to call my mom and dad!" He quickly pulled out his phone and dialed her number. When she answered all I heard was, mom, yes Paris, my girlfriend, yes I know, love you too, bye. He hung up then told me he couldn't see me for a week. I made a frowny face then said," hey I'll remember you by Rince. He frowned then said," wow." I laughed then he said," after a week we'll rename him/her." He hugged me goodbye then walked out of the door. Love you! He said. Love you too Vince! He left then I walked to my room, shut the door, then layed down on Rince. He smelt so much like Vince. I fell asleep again to the sound of the birds chirping outside my window.

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