Coffee shop delight☕️ (vince)

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I walked off the field after practice and went to my usual spot,the coffee shop. I know it sounds like an unmanly place to go for a football player, but I love the smell of the fresh ground coffee. I ordered my usual, vanilla bean mocha frappe and sat down in a booth. I waited for my order when suddenly the bell ring on the door. She walked in the door, hair curly in a ponytail, blue eyes, makeup on, and a cute blue dress and no glasses. She didn't notice me when she walked in and she ordered. When she went to go sit I called her name. Rachael! She came over and slid next to me in the booth. The waitress came and game me my drink. She asked us," yall are cute together,are yall dating?" I told her no and Rachael didn't say a word. She just looked up at me and smiled, her blue eyes staring into mine. Later Rachael's coffee came and we had ordered the same thing. I asked her how often she came here and she said,"every day." She leaned her head on me and we just sat and talked.

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