Chapter 14

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I sucked at the tip, my mouth working its way up and down the length of it. I used my lips to squeeze tightly on it, the creamy liquid filling my mouth instantly. I moaned instantly, my eyes rolling to the back of my head at it. Zeke moaned along with me, his knees hitting me from under the table. A bit of the stringy juice completely missed my lips and situated itself on the corner of my mouth, the cold trail making me shiver. It was a sizeable blob, one which I had to wipe off as quickly as I could to avoid the embarrassment of anyone seeing me.

I reached for the small box of tissues that sat on the table, but Zeke slapped my hand.

"Nope. We are not wasting all that money just for some slice of dried wood to eat it up," he said while reaching for my face. He grabbed me by the chin and pulled me across the small space, his face coming mere inches away from mine. He whipped out the tip of his tongue and licked the blob of ice cream straight off my face, his tongue missing my lips by a micrometer.

"Ew, Zeke!" I pushed him back in slight repulse. He was laughing his head off, of course. After Zeke and I met up and he saw just how much of a mess I was feeling, he decided to take me to get some ice cream from some secret place somewhere in town. The place isn't really all that popular, but with the taste of this cream, it should be a crime to not be popular. Of course, I was still shirtless during our meet up and Zeke couldn't have been more overjoyed. Although he did reason with me that as much as he wouldn't have a problem staring at me half-naked all day, other people in town would. So, he gave me one of his singlets that he kept at his workplace and a sport short that I could wear over my swim shorts.

I look like a middle-aged military man, but the hot kind.

When we arrived here, I didn't know what exactly was on the menu as Zeke didn't allow me to choose from the regular menu. Something about us needing a bit of adventure in my life to take my mind off things.

Note: 'Things' = Cade.

He got me a weird kind of ice cream. It looked like it could be a frozen fruit pop, but it was covered in chocolate and was soft and gushy. The inside was filled with thick, almost stringy vanilla cream, a taste of heaven in on itself. I was on my third stick when Zeke decided to lick my face and make my stomach feel all queasy and weird. It felt like I wanted to vomit, but not, at the same time.

"Well forgive me for not being able to restrain myself with you looking all cute with that much white stuff on your face," He wiggled his brows as he took his lips back to the stick of delight.

"Whatever. A warning next time would be nice." My eyes widened as the weight of my words hit me. And knowing Zeke, he was sure as hell going to make a fuss over-

"Oh, so if I'm getting this right, you mean you would like me to lick stuff off your face?" He asked with an evil grin. I slapped his arm that was resting on the table, "Dick," I said under my breath.

"Please, Vincent. Not with all this cream in my mouth." He said with a loud laugh, his head throwing back slightly. I couldn't help the grin on my face.

We ate in silence after that, the pretty lights of the town in the evening and warm, orange hues of light from the fading sun in the night sky giving a sense of tranquility to the busy yet quiet creamery. Cars were idling along in quick-moving traffic, most of them heading to the living areas and back to their families. I looked down at what was left of my icy goodness and frowned; it had finished so quickly.

"Want another one?" Zeke asked with a knowing smirk. As much as I wanted to say yes, I had to refuse. He had bought the last three sticks for me and I didn't want to feel like a leech. After we came in initially, he decided to buy the first stick and I allowed it because it was his treat and I wasn't even sure if I'd like it anyway. But he managed to catch me looking glum after I had finished inhaling my first stick and asked me if I wanted another. I shook my head of course, but he simply called the waiter over and asked the kid to get another one.

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