Chapter 21

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A/N: So uh, somethings might feel rushed in this chapter since i don't really know jo introduce mental health and trauma, but some criticism would be appreciated <3

The door to the bathroom swung open and in came my immediate younger sister with a confused eyebrow resting on her face.

"Vincent?" she asked as she peered into the room. What was she doing here? I didn't hear the front door unlock or anything, and I would have, seeing as the upstairs bathroom was sitting atop the downstairs front door.

"When did you get back from... wherever you went?" I asked her, genuinely curious as to whether she was some sort of spy being raised by the American government in the arts of deceit, stealth, and espionage right under our noses.

"Well, if you'd been at home last night, you would have known that I'd been sick. I haven't left the house today. I went to take a shit in mummy and daddy's toilet downstairs, came out to the fridge to get the ice cream that I had been saving, just to open it and see that it was gone. I came upstairs and saw your door open with half our snack collection in your room."

She paused to catch her breath as if her illness made it hard to talk for long. And meanwhile, my throat was closing up at the thought of her hearing us.

"I thought that Cade finally came visiting since you always only brought out so much food when he came around to satiate his appetite. I entered thinking he'd be there, but he wasn't. Then I heard some grunting coming from the bathroom and thought you were having like, a major shit in here. I decided to sit some more in your room, but then I felt really nauseous and thought I would throw up, so I rushed here, but I guess the bile's gone down now," she finished and my heart had already started racing. I had to keep my fucking cool.

Okay, she heard some grunting, and so what? She hasn't asked about it yet—

"Why were both of you making so much noise?" She asked skeptically and I swear my heart stopped. I moved to answer but Zeke beat me to it, probably already guessing that I would stammer and sputter instead of giving her an answer.

"I got into a fight and Vincent here was just helping with some of my bruises." He lied through his teeth. She looked him over, obviously not really buying his story seeing as there was only one fortunately sorry excuse for a bruise that was waning away on his cheek.

"Well, whatever, but who are you? I've seen you drop him off once at the door, but it was so early and the only thing I came out to do was to drink water," she asked him. Zeke was quick to swing an arm around my neck, the fool forgetting that my legs were still shaky after he quite literally just finished sucking my soul out. I stumbled a little, but he steadied us with his own weight.

"Vincent!" he yelled dramatically, "I can't believe you haven't spoken about me, Zeke the Great, to thy family. Doth ye not think thy Mein Fraulein to be the most majestic of them all?" he finished his act by touching the back of his hand to his forehead. I saw my frontal lobe.

"Echegbula ya, ọ bụ naanị otu n'ime ndị enyi m. aha-ya bu Zeke. (Don't mind him, he's just one of my friends. his name is Zeke.)" I told her in Igbo. Zeke's jaw was dangling. I guess he didn't know I spoke a different language.

"Alright. Since he's your friend then," she turned to face him, "Good evening, Zeke, but would you guys excuse me so I can wash my face before you bear witness to the magnificent view of me puking?" I scowled and took Zeke's hand in mine and started heading out of the bathroom.

I had crossed the corridor and halfway entered my room with Zeke behind me when she called out, "Oh, and Vincent? I'm fifteen and live in the United States, I'm not dumb. Anyways, make sure to use condoms. Love you!" and then she shut the door behind us.

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