Chapter 16

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*A/N: This chapter is not edited*

I walked into the pool house as the crowd slowly began to thicken. I spotted some people from last time, most of them eager to get here early after making the tryouts. I also saw Connor talking with some guys which I didn't recognize. They looked familiar, though -obviously they would be, we do go to the same school, after all- but not so much that I would say I knew their names. Connor was fully clothed for some reason, his body clad in a bogus jumper and bug jeans. His face was bright for some reason, and his arms lay mostly motionless by his side as he spoke.

Although I could argue that he and I were acquaintances, I decided I wasn't in the right frame of mind at this time and opted to avoid him. Well, avoid him as much as I could. I dropped my bag on one of the isolated benches in the huge space and sat by it. I noticed a lot of people idling around, most chatting it up with their new friends. I decided there would be no need to try to get to know everyone, after all, we'd all be on the same team for at least a year or so. I planned to pull out my phone and get on TikTok or YouTube when I heard my name bounce across the echoing walls. I looked up to find Connor staring at me with a small, tight-lipped smile, his lips looking weird and out of shape. Almost like he got stung by a bee.

He nodded me over with a slight nod in his direction, and as much as I didn't want to be over there talking about God knows what, I decided it would be safer not getting on the bad side of the Captain of the Swim team, the one I was currently on.

I trudged over to them, wearing the best smile I could possibly cook up.

"Hey, you," he smiled at me.

"Hi," I mumbled back. He nodded at me in greeting before turning to his friends.

"Alright, so, guys, this is my... buddy, Vincent. Vincent, these are my friends," he began calling their names one by one while I shook their hands in a bro hug.

"Yeah, so we were just talking about this party that the football team is throwing this weekend because they wanna, y'know, welcome them to the football team," he raised his arms to put finger quotes over the word 'welcome' and he hissed under his breath as he put them down.

I cocked a brow at him in question and he simply told me "Arms feel heavy," before continuing with his conversation.

"So, Sam here has got us an invite. His friend is on the team, too." Connor smiled at Sam who looked pleased with himself. A boy called Theo smacked Sam on his ass in a playful manner as Sam was in his swimwear. Sam pushed Theo into the water as they were both in their swimwear. They were splashing around in it and kidding around before the other guy left for the changing rooms, effectively leaving I and Connor alone.

He began walking toward where I was previously sitting, his lower body moving in a funny walking step. We got to my chair and he sat down with a grunt and wince. I decided not to question it and sat, too.

"So, what's up?" He asked with a small smile, his swollen lip squished up and funny looking. I looked toward the doors to the building, hoping that the coach would come in and rescue me from this unwanted chat. Sadly, I didn't see him after waiting for about five seconds.

"Meh, not that different from yesterday." I sighed. He cocked his head to the side, prodding me to continue.

"Well, you remember Cade? My friend?" he looked up in thought before nodding slowly. "Well, he's being more of a dick than he usually is -well, not usually, he's actually very nice to me- but yeah, you get the idea." He nodded his head in understanding.

"So have you tried talking to him about it?" He asked. I let my head fall into my hands as I sighed heavily. "Yes. I did. Obviously. He was a dick." I slid my palms down my face and yawned, the stress of all the anxiety getting to me.

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