Forged In Steel ( part 3)

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"Ha ha ha now hand over that trophy!!" the monster demanded, kicking Mick's foot making him fall down. "I see you want to do this the hard way." he laughed ready hit Mick, but Mick blocked his hit with his arm, breaking his data comm as a result.

"My data comm." Mick said with sadness in his voice looking at his now-broken data comm.

And that's not all i'll destroy!" the monster exclaimed ready to hit Mick.


Kaylee's POV:

I managed to get up and saw the monster about to hit Mick. But before he could, a giant white star came just in time to knock down the monster. I was mesmerized by it, but then i saw the trophy on the ground and i decided to act fast. I ran to the trophy, grabbing it and Mick, pulling him on his feet and waving the trophy around, getting the monster's attention.

"Hey ugly!!" i exclaimed. "You want the ninja steel?! Then you have to catch me first!!" i yelled running away with the ninja steel as fast as i can.

"Get back here, you girl!" i heard the monster shout and footsteps coming towards me.

Hayley's POV:

The monster knocked us down! Calvin and i turned around and watched the monster push Kaylee harshly on the ground and walking to Mick ready to hit him. But a giant weird-looking white star knocked down the monster. Then Kaylee got up, helped Mick and grabbed the trophy with the ninja steel. She started waving it around getting the monster's attention. What is this girl doing ?!

"Hey ugly! You want the ninja steel?! Then you have to catch me first!" she yelled, running away with the ninja steel.

"Get back here, you girl!" he shouted running after her. I hope she's gonna be alright. She might be crazy but i can't lose her. Calvin and i got up to get a closer look at the thing. There were three star-shaped objects but only two were glowing.

"Woah. it's the yellow and white power stars" Mick said in amasmened. "They're glowing." he pointed out. Then an idea popped up into his head. "Grab the power stars" he said pointing to the prism. Calvin and i exchanged looks before, causiosly and slowly streching our arms to get the stars. Our hands went right through. I was starstruck.

"Is this really happening" i heard Calvin mumble. When we got ahold of them we pulled back, not believing any of this.

"I can't believe it." i said getting a closer look at the star.

"H-How in the world! " Calvin exclaimed looking at his star the the prism.

"This is crazy!" I said shocked. Mick looked like he won the lottery.

"You pulled out the ninja power stars" he said pointing out the obvious.
"Do you know what this means?! " he asked us excited but we denied.

"I know." a male voice said from behind us. We turned around and saw a boy who i pressume its Brody, a blonde girl and a ROBOT!! This day is getting crazier and crazier.

"Brody!" Mick said relieved to see that his friend is okay.

"Means you're power rangers." Brody continued.

"Just like us." the girl finished with a smile.

"Power what?" i questioned. Then someone else came to view and i recongnised him. It was Prestion. "Prestion! What are you doing here? I asked him.

" Calvin and Hayley!" he said suprised to see us.

"Hi! I'm Sarah. I'm from out of town." Sarah introduced herself.

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