My Friend, Redbot

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I was in the base with Hayley, Redbot and Kodi while the others were helping with the preperations for the school dance. Hayley and i were on the computers while Kodi was resting and Redbot was reading a book. Mick went out to get some things so he asked me and Hayley to look at the maps to see if there were gonna be any monster attacks. But i wasn't doing that. This gold ranger situation has been messing with my mind for weeks. Well two, but you get what i mean. I've been thinking about where they could be and the only thing that popped into my head is that they were kidnapped by Galvanax. Becase if they weren't, they would've showed up already. I don't want to tell the others just yet. I want to know for sure that my theory is correct before i tell them. I've been trying to get into the warrior dome system but Kodi's bark distracted me.

"I'm trying to read! What ever are you doing?!" Redbot complained as Kodi tried to take his book. Hayley spinned on her chair, whistled and patted her thigh.

"Kodi." she called out for him and he ran up to her. "Sorry Redbot, Kodi just wants to play." she said ruffling him then he came to me so i petted him.
"The idea of friendship probably isn't in your databank huh?" she asked him standing up and waking towards the table. "Well anyway, I've got to go help set up the school dance. Kaylee are you coming?" she asked me walking to another table where her backpack was.

"Oh um I'll stay here. You know, looking after the maps." i lied looking at her. I need to finish this. Luckily she didn't detect the lie or else i was busted.

"Oh yeah. Well call me if you decide to come." she told me walking to the exit. I held my thumb up and looked back at the computers.

"Hayley. May i have a word?" Redbot asked stopping her. He walked up to her putting his book on the table.
"Won't you accompany me to the grand ball?" He asked getting on one knee and getting ahold of her hand. I stopped and looked at them. It was soo cute, but also very silly. But still, so adorable. I was waiting to see what was gonna be Hayley's answer.

"You're joking right?" she asked him confused. "You're a robot. Why would you want to go to the dance?" she asked him in disbelief. That was quite harsh. No, scratch that very harsh. "You're so funny Redbot. I'll see ya." she said leaving the base.

"But i wasn't joking at all." he said standing up and he looked upset. I could feel it. "I really do want to go to the dance." he confessed looking down. I got up and walked to him.

"Im Sorry Redbot. That was very rude." i told him putting my hand on his shoulder. He sighed.

"It's okay Kaylee. Its not your fault." he sighed again. Im going out." he said walking to the exit.

"Where exactly?" i asked him but he didn't hear me. I felt really bad for him. I could tell he was different from other robots on tv. He can feel. I guess Kodi felt my sadness so he came to me and butted his head at my hand. I crouched down and hugged him. Kodi always knows how to cheer me up. I looked back at the exit before standing up and getting back on the computer.

*30 mins later*

Redbot has been gone for half an hour. I hope he's okay. I heard the entrance open so i lifted my head to see Brody and Hayley but they were wet. I heard them exclaiming in disgust.

"Wow what happened to you two?" i asked with a little smirk.

"Well Victor..." Brody was saying but i cut him off.

"He wanted to show off his movies and when he did his super twirl, bumped into the table and knocked the punch bowl, but it got onto you two instead." i finished him.

"Yeah. How did you know?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"Lets say I was the lucky one last year." I answered him. He seemed to understand.

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