Rocking And Rolling

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Today was Levi's concert, and since we got backstage passes from him, we could go inside the concert hall to check out the process. We went through the tunnel that led inside, and it was amazing. All of us were checking it out while Levi was standing with his guitar case in his hand. I was just looking at the stage.

"Levi, 20,000 people all comin' to see you." Sarah congratulated Levi, patting him on the back.

"It's sold out. Crazy huh." Levi replied.

"I heard some people waited in line all night." i heard Brody talk about something, but i kept staring at the stage. It was a dream for me to be on stage. I then felt a presence next to me, so i turned my head, and it was Levi.

"Cool, right." he said, and I nodded.

"Astonishing." i replied with a smile, looking at the stage again.
"I only see it on TV, but this is wicked. It must be incredible to be on stage and perform." i continued.

"Would you like to go on it?" he asked me. I turned to him with my mouth opened and wide eyes.

"You're joking." i chuckled, but when his expression didn't change, i knew he was serious.
"Are you kidding? You're really gonna let me?" i asked, and he nodded.

"Not kidding." he answered, lifting the gate so i could get through.
"Go right on in." he replied. I squeled and ran ahead. I climbed on the stage, and the view was crazy awesome.

"Oh my god! This is awesome... fantastic!" i exclaimed, spinning around. I stopped to look at the others.
"Hey Hayley, check me out." i said, doing a little dance.

"Hey, look at you." she replied, laughing at me. I ignored her comment and continued dancing. This was fun. I saw them talking and then heard someone calling for Levi. It was Mary. I got off the stage and walked to the others.

"Did you guys know he was going on a world tour for three months?" I heard Sarah ask. What? A world tour?

"What world tour?" i asked, standing next to Hayley.

"Levi is having a world tour for three months." she explained.

"What?!" i whisper-yelled so Levi doesn't hear me. Then the ground started to shake. Great another earthquake. I held onto Hayley for support.

"Whoa. That's another earthquake." Prestion pointed out as the shaking stopped. Brody got a call from his ninja comm, so he looked around and answered it. Mick appeared on the screen.

"All those earthquakes are coming from a location close to you." Mick explained.

"Really? Send us the coordinates, Mick. We'll check it out, " Brody told Mick and ended the call.
"Levi!" he called for Levi. He said goodbye to Mary and came to us.
"All these earthquakes aren't normal, even for California. We need to see what's causing them." He explained the situation to Levi.

"Levi, we gotta go." Levi's managed informed pointing at his watch.

"Be right there. Guys, my concert is about to start." he told us.
"Can you handle it?" He asked with gritted teeth. We all looked at each other before Brody answered.

"Sure, i guess if you have to. We'll let you know if we need you." He explained a bit disappointed.

"Thanks. Appreciate it." Levi thanked us and took his guitar case, following his manager.

"Let's go." Brody said, and they all left, but I stayed and watched where Levi was a second ago.

Ever since i saw Levi at the contest, i've felt like i knew him. He was so familiar. But also, when we got to know him a little, i started to feel rather strange around him. But a good kind of strange. Every time we talk, the world will feel brighter. And something tickling my stomach from the inside with the slightest touch. And his smile. God, that smile. Every time i see it, it's like I'm in a sauna, getting hotter and hotter by the minute. People will say,'omg you are so in love' or 'its love at first sight'. I don't know exactly. Love is what I'm experiencing right now, but I feel like it's not love at first sight. Like I've fallen for him before.
It's almost as if i.......

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