Live And Learn

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I woke up quite early because we had ranger training today. I got up, got ready, grabbed my backpack and waited for Hayley before we went to the base. I have been thinking about who could've pulled out the gold power star. But also about Brody. He was just so familiar to me but i can't seem to know why.

"Hey are you ok? You've been really quiet." Hayley asked me. I sighed before answering her

"Yeah, just i've been thinking about who could've pulled out the power star from the prism." I told her

"I don't think its just that." she said. Ugh sometimes i hate that she could see right through me.

"Well i have been thinking about Brody." i said.

"Ohhh do i sense some love in the air?" She teased with a small smirk.

"No no! He's just very familiar to me. Like i've seen him before." i told her.

"Well maybe you should talk to him about it." she said putting her hand on my shoulder.

"I will but not now. I need to think more on it." i said. She nodded and we got to the base. The base turned out really nice when we finished it. We changed into our warm-ups and we all started training. Sarah and i even did a spar. I actually won it and helped her up. Then we saw Brody, Mick and Redbot coming out from the base. Redbot was holding a box.

"What's that Redbot?" i asked him. He opened the box and in it there were six stars in it. We all took a closer look at them.

"They're called element stars." He said as he looked at us. "Galvanax is sending more powerful monster, so uh... you're gonna need them." he expained to us.

"Thanks Mick." Prestion thanked him.

"Happy to help." Mick replied.

"My dad always said that a ninja is a one with his surrondings." Brody said, picking up one of the stars." Fire" he said giving it to Calvin before he continued. "Water" giving it to Hayley. "Earth" giving it to Prestion as Prestion mumble a 'cool' "The forest" giving to Sarah. "Lightning" giving it to me. "Metal" he continued taking a star for himself. "The basic elements of nature are our weapons" he finished while we all looked at our new stars.

"Lets give this a go." Calvin suggested getting into position.

"You can do it Calvin." Brody encouraged him. I hyped him up. We all backed up a little. He looked at the star before pulling out his sword.

"Lock in!" he shouted locking his star into his sword. "Element star! Ninja water attack!" he exclaimed pulling his sword close to his head. But nothing seemed to happen. He turned to his sword with complete confusion. He tapped on it trying to activate it.
"Uh its... not working." He said while we all looked at each other in confusion. Then water shot through the sharp part of the sword and flew Calvin to a pile of junk. I laughed then went to check if he was okay.

"Are you alright?" i asked laughting a little and helping him up.

"Ha Ha Ha." He laughed dryly. "And im okay." he assured.

"So much for water mode" Brody said. "Who wants to try fire mode?" He asked turning to us but we all ran away since we didn't want to get burned like bacon. We got back into our clothes before Brody came into the base and started getting dressed. We all went to the table where out backpacks were.

" Hey. We need to get to class early so we can practise for the quiz." Hayley said slumping her bag on her shoulder. She and Calvin went ahead and Sarah went to Brody.

"You wanna do well in your first day of high school." She told him hyperly patting his shoulder.

"You guys go ahead. I'll catch up." Brody said pointing to the exit. Sarah said a simple 'kay' with a smile and left. Then Prestion went up to him with a red backpack.

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