Chapter 20

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2 Years Later

"Hey Lu-Chan, Gajeel and Natsu are outside!" Levy shouted with the last of her boxes in her hands.

"Kay, I'll be out in a sec," Lucy shouted back.

When Lucy heard the front door close, she let out a sigh. She took this moment to, one last time, look at the room she called hers for the last few years. She was going to miss it. Well, it wasn't like she wouldn't be back to visit the Mcgardens with Levy during the school holidays, but still it hurts to leave.

The small group of friends were all accepted into Fiore University. Lucy couldn't even contain her excitement towards the school. They have the writing department that she has dreamed of for the longest.  She slowly put up the rest of her favorite photos in the box. One made her stop though.  A picture of her and Natsu last summer. A blush fell onto her face as she thought back.


The day of the sentencing, Lucy sat on the couch with Natsu doing something they never thought would happen in a million years. Lucy pulled away to meet the eyes of a very red faced Natsu.

"U-uh Luce?" was all that came out of Natsu. The confidence Lucy was feeling started to vanish.

"I'm so sorry! I know I shouldn't have, but I just, well," Lucy didn't know how to explain. Luckily she didn't have to. Natsu's hands grabbed hers.

"I was going to wait, but Lucy, I like you," Natsu spoke up sounding more nervous than she has ever heard, "I like you a lot actually."

A bright blush crossed her face. She could say she was shocked, but a part of her wasn't. Deep down both knew this would come one day. A smile graced her face.

"Natsu, I like you t-,"

Flashback end

"Luce! What's taking so long?" Natsu commented while walking into room. Her thoughts were cut short. The warm arms owned by the boy she knew and loved wrapped around her waist.

"Are you ok?" Natsu asked snuggling into her neck. A smile graced her face.

"Im fine and ready to go," Lucy replied.

"Good, now c'mon! We got a college to get to!" with that, Natsu kissed her cheek and took the box from her hands. She gave one last look. This was her home, they made her better. If, no, when her father comes back, she won't break this time. She walked out the house and could hear her friends shouting at her to hurry up. Pure happiness was starting to rise in her.

This time she'll be ready.

-The End-


It finally over!!!!! Yaayyyy!!!! I felt I should finish it today. I have so many ideas in my head, but you know it takes me forever to right them. I have teen fiction and fanfiction ideas on my mind right now. Do you think I should make more stories? Will you guys still be interested? Well, anyways, by for now and I want to truly say thank you so much for reading this story. It was my first and what made me realize writing may be a career I want in the future. I can't believe it's been over 3 years (for my people on!! Thank you soo much! I love you guys and I hope you keep supporting me.

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