Chapter 18

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  HAPPY NALU WEEK! Had to update for  DAY 2: VULNERABLE 

*Special Thanks for the Reviews, favorites, and follows. It really means a lot to me. It makes me feel needed and I love that people want to read what I have written! THANK YOU! T^T*


Well here goes chapter EIGHTEEN FINALLY! Enjoy!


Chapter 18

“Please state your name?”

“Lucy Heartfilia”

“What is your relationship?”

“He’s my father”

“What are you charging him for?”

 “a . . . abuse”

15 minutes earlier

    “Her dad’s almost here? Good, I didn’t get to finish,” grumbled Natsu, cracking his knuckles. That only earned him a slap on the back of the head from Erza.

“Unless you really do want to be charged for assault, you won’t touch him. Just because we let you go doesn’t mean we’ll do it again, you got that?” the police officer warned.

   “Yes, sir,” mumbled Natsu with a pout.

    “Now, all of you are going into different rooms to be questioned. You, miss, will be with me,” the officer stated, and turned to Lucy at the end. All of them, were escorted into a questioning room except for Natsu, who struggled a little.

     “Hey, can you wait a second! Lucy!” he yelled as he was jogging over to her. She turned around to face him.

“Yeah ?” Lucy waited as Natsu dug into his pockets before he pulled out a pink heart necklace.

 “I forgot to give it back. The night I found you the chain was broken, but I fixed it for you. Turn around,” Natsu said.

 Lucy turned around feeling the cold metal touch her neck and his warm fingers lightly touch her skin. A nostalgic feeling went through her at the remembrance of receiving the necklace.

“Thank you Natsu, I didn’t even realize I dropped it” Lucy said. He grabbed a hold of her shoulders and let one of his goofy grins show.

   ”No worries, just one thing though. Don’t be afraid” Natsu said

  “What do you m-” Natsu interrupted her before she could finish

  “Don’t be afraid to tell them the truth. I want you to tell them everything that bastard has ever done to you. He can’t hurt you now and I’ll make sure he never will again. Don’t think he can hurt you again for telling what has happened in your life and one day, when you’re ready, I hope you’ll rely on me. I hope you’ll tell me all of your hidden pain. Your mother’s death was never your fault. What your father did wasn’t punishment, it was abuse. Lucy, don’t let him get away with that. Don’t let him get away with hurting you” Natsu said with a serious tone.

“Good luck” he said with a small smile before running back to the police officer waiting for him at the room door.

Lucy was left shocked. She has lately seen sides of Natsu she never thought existed. Tears sprung to her eyes ready to burst and her left hand unconsciously held on to the pink heart shaped jewel hanging from her neck.

“Natsu” she whispered. She breaks out of her spell at the sound of a man clearing his throat.

She turns to the police officer smiling at her. Her cheeks color in embarrassment, knowing he must have seen what happened.

“I never got to introduce myself. I am officer Hiro. Shall we begin?” He asks pointing to the hall that leads to her questioning room. Lucy’s hands turn to fists and her face shows pure determination as she mutters with full confidence.

“Yes, I’m ready”

Back to present

“I know this is tough, but can you please explain”

Lucy took a shaky sigh.

“It started when my mom died. He started to drink. A lot. H-he used to,” Lucy’s voice started to shake. She stopped, took a deep breath, and restarted. “He used to just ignore me. Then a little later came the name calling,” the officer could hear the pain in her voice. He took notice of the way her hands shook and the lost look in her eyes looking as if she’s stuck in her memories.  She looked so fragile, so . . . broken.

“Hun, I think we should take a break to cool do-”

“N-no I’m f-fine” Lucy responded and continued on

“He would call me a slut, a bitch, a whore, a dumb-ass, stupid, worthless, a disgrace, a m-murderer” Lucy said, choking out the last one.

It peaked officer Hiro’s interests

“Why murderer?”

“My mother’s death. It was caused by a car almost running me over. She protected me and ever since then, I’ve paid the price,” She answered, tears falling.

“Near my thirteenth birthday he started to hit me. It started with shoves and hair pulling, to punches and kicks. When he was really mad or really drunk h-he’d spit, stomp, and sometimes burn me.” Lucy’s eyes lost its shine and her face emotionless except for the tears coming down her eyes and the quiver of her lips.

“Last week, o-on my birthday. H-he,” a sob left her mouth.

“He tried to rape me,” her composure fell apart and before the officer could even try to comfort the door slams open allowing a very upset Natsu in. He lifts her from her seat allowing her to clutch on to him and cry on his chest. He takes her place in the chair and sets her in his lap rocking her back and forth trying to soothe her.

“Shh, it’s okay,” he says holding her closer to him, rubbing her back feeling the sobs wrack through her  body.

“I got you now, and I won’t ever let you go. Everything’s going to be okay,”  his voice breaking. “I promise.”

The other’s questionings were done rather quickly and they were allowed to be on the other side of the mirror during Lucy’s questioning, quietly observing. Well, not quietly. The girls broke into tears leading the guys to hold them for comfort. Anger and sadness showing in all, but  most of all regret. Regret of not realizing sooner what was going on with their bubbly blonde friend. It became too hard for Natsu to bear. Shoving the officer guarding the door out of the way, he rushed to Lucy slamming open the door.

Officer Hiro looked at the two teens in sadness.

‘This world we live in is a messed up place. And you see too much doing this job’ thought the officer Hiro. With a sigh he got up and walked to the door.

Let’s take that break,” he whispers but loud enough to be heard before he softly closes door.Sobs resounding through the investigation area. He walks out.

“Hey, Hiro, where you going?” a fellow officer called out.

Officer Hiro keeps walking.

“To get some coffee.” He replies. The whole way all he could hear was the painful story of the blonde girl re-play in his head over and over again. He takes a sip of his coffee and sighs.

“I need a vacation”

 -End Of Chapter-


I’m done! Not proof read, but how was it? I don't update quickly but i knew i had to since it was NALU WEEK and DAY 2 fit this chapter perfectly. I hope you enjoyed it! PLEASE COMMENT, VOTE, AND FOLLOW. Bye for now!    


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