Chapter 14

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Hey, I'm finally baaaaaack!

*Special Thanks for the Reviews, favorites, and follows. It really means a lot to me. It makes me feel needed and I love that people want to read what I have written! THANK YOU! T^T*

Well here goes chapter FOURTEEN FINALLY! Enjoy!


Chapter 14

(Normal P.O.V)

Lucy allowed her gaze to land on her fidgeting hands.

“Lucy, tell me who,” Natsu demanded, but more fierce. She flinched and her eyes soon met his sad onyx ones. In a low soft voice she said, “It was my fault and either way it’s not important.” sounding more like she was trying to convince herself that that statement was true.

Natsu was beyond mad. “Not important? Are you really calling this person who did this to you not important! And I’m sure as hell this was not your fuckin fault!” he yelled.

 Lucy suddenly had her own anger rising. “It was my fault! You don’t know anything about me or this!” Lucy quickly regretted her choice of words as the hurt and more anger started to show on Natsu’s face.

Out of anger, Natsu grabbed hold of both of Lucy’s upper arms and started to shake her hoping to put some sense into her. “Don’t know you? What the hell is going on with you! Tell me how!  How the fuck is you almost dying on the frickin sidewalk your damn fault! Tell me Lucy, Tell me!” He shouted not caring if the whole world could hear him at that moment.

By then Wendy had heard the noise and called her parents, scared to see what’s going on upstairs. They were at the house in less than 15 mins. They all hurried up the stairs to see the scene. Igneel and Gradinee tried and succeeded to pry Natsu off Lucy. Once he was safely away from Lucy, Wendy went to Lucy checking her health.

Natsu looked at her, “Lucy stop this crap and just tell me wh-”


 “It’s my fault ok . . . it’s my entire fault. I caused it . . . it’s my fault” Lucy shouted which gradually became a whisper.  In shock Igneel and Gradinee let go of their son.

After that statement Natsu started to deflate. He walked back over to Lucy who is still lying on his bed. He looked into her sorrowful brown eyes and suddenly felt a wave of guilt come over himself.

“Lucy, I’m sorry. I just want to protect you. You’re so important to me and it hurts me to know you’re keeping so much pain hidden. I don’t care whose fault it was, I just want to know who hurt you. Please, tell me Lucy.”

Lucy felt guilty herself and a pain in her chest came as she quickly turned away from Natsu’s pleading eyes.

Natsu sighed and with disappointment towards her, he left his room. After a quick whisper from his wife so did Igneel, leaving Grandinee and Wendy, the only ones in the room with Lucy. Grandinee had a caring smile planted on her face as she sat down on the bed next to Lucy, Wendy following suit sitting on the opposite side of her on the bed.

Lucy looked back down to her fingers almost instantly, afraid to see the same disappointment Natsu had displayed on Gradinee’s face. To her surprise Gradinee took her right hand and held it in her own.

 “Lucy-Chan, look at me.” With a little reluctance Lucy did as told. “Lucy you are a strong girl and a smart one at that. I’ll trust that you have a good reason for not telling us. Natsu is only trying to help. We all are. Igneel and I see you as a second daughter and care a lot about you. Heck, Wendy has wanted to call you Onee-San for months!” said Gradinee with a giggle soon escaping her when she saw Wendy’s face turn bright red in embarrassment. Lucy let a small smile show on her face, one tear sliding down from her left eye. Nothing could describe how happy she was to hear those words.

~~~Down Stairs with Natsu~~~

Igneel and Natsu sat in silence while watching tv in the living room. Igneel glanced over to Natsu only to see that he was still sulking. Igneel sighed, taking the remote in hand he pressed the ‘off ’ button and turned to Natsu who turned to look at his father with a frown knowing a talk was coming.

“Natsu, we’re all worried about Lucy. She’ll open up when she is ready to.” Igneel said.

“But what if it’s too late when she finally does! I can’t just sit here and wait for her to get hurt again!” Natsu responded frustrated.

“Son wha-”


Both Dragneels looked towards the door. With a grunt, Natsu got up and went to the door. Opening it to only feel even more agitated.

“Why the hell are you here!”

-End of Chapter-


Well peoples I’m done for today. Please READ, COMMENT, HEART, VOTE, FOLLOW, and REVIEW. See ya next time! XD

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