Chapter 12

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Chapter 12


That night I feel asleep, I got everything off my chest. I knew how I felt and they finally knew how I felt. I wasn't as unhappy as before. The wounds would have to heal now. I was healing now, because I am tired of being unhappy. I woke up feeling content. No weight on my shoulders. No fear.

  I woke up feeling content, but that quickly changed to confusion. When I woke up I felt different. I didn't know where I was and why. And I don't know where she was, but I wanted her. Her face was so clear in this unsure world of mine. I opened my eyes to a room of doctors and a cute nurse. Why am I in a hospital? "What am I doing here?" And why was my mouth dry as shit?

 "He's awake!" The cute nurse screamed and her voice hurt my head. "Damn lady." She laughed at me, but I saw nothing funny. "Hi Jack." A doctor said to me. They flashed a light in my eyes and it hurt. "How are you feeling?" I looked around. Everything looked bright and there were so many people. I saw the cute nurse outside the room talking to someone. "He's okay." I'm okay.



 "Eliza, hi" She was just as gorgeous and just as perfect, as i remember her.I focused on her smile. So when she was telling me what I happened, I didn't understand. "Are you listening Jack?"  I smiled because I remember saying the exact same thing to me in my dreams. "No, not really. Damn Eliza your so beautiful," She blushed and told me I was a fool. "Jack you were in a coma." My chest clinched. It didn't make sense.

 "I have been with you the whole time. Our dates, my parents," It didn't add up. How hell was I was in a coma? My eyes start to water. "Jack calm down," I started to cry. I was a man and I had balls, and I don't cry. However, I just...I'm confused. "Jack, do you remember Valentine's Day?"  The doctor stood in the corner of the room. "Yeah perfectly," It was a shining day, but it was about to be spring. The clouds looked dark, but rain didn't look like it would happen. I was a bit nervous, because Eliza and I had a bit of an argument, the day before.

 "I remember out fight, and I remember telling you that I would make it up to you on Valentine's Day." I went all out that day. I rented a movie and bought candles, strawberries and fudge, in my fridge. I knew she'd smile when I was going to buy some of her favorite wine. "You're making it seem like I'm a wino." She hit my leg. I ignored the fact that I couldn't feel it. "You're not listening to the story." I shhh her. I got flowers and a card. It was one of those cheesy cards with a sexual joke on it. When I got home she was in the shower. I welcomed her out the shower with my own naked body and she laughed. I can remember her laugh in my head. It was the sweetest. 

  This day was about making her happy. I waited for her to get dressed and I did the same. I took a shower and put on my classiest clothes. We coordinated in color, which she loved. It put a smile on her face and mine. I showed her to the lit up kitchen and prepared meal, I made. "It was Chinese food." She smiled again; what I was waiting for. "If you keep interrupting me, we won't get to the cute part." I told her.

 After dinner, I showed her the gifts I got her, and she got me some too. We spilt the chocolate heart I bought her, and we were about to drink some fancy wine. "And then I went to the fridge to grab it and..." Things were getting fuzzy in my head and tried to sort through them. "I...I couldn't find any, so I told you to wait for me to come back. And then I left." It came back like pictures and not memories. "Do you know what happened in the car?" The doctor behind Eliza asked. "No..." 

Yay! He finally woke up! This is the part of the story where somethings change and you start to really find things out. I will try and do my best on this story. I hope you guys like it and tell me your reactions and hopes for the story. Yes, I know it's a slow one. But writing a story is a slow process. SO! I hope you guys read and find out what happens. :) Comment your thoughts, opinions and things! I love to see them. :) And inbox me at any time. If any of you have questions or you just wanna talk about the story, I'd love to respond! Thank you for reading! And I'll update soon. :)


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