Chapter 15

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Chapter 15


 He woke up with sweat on his head. He was shaking and his eyes weren't open. I begged him to wake up, but all I heard was "I don't remember"  He would say it over and over, but it was nothing but  whisper. His eyes were wide when he woke. I held a cold towel to his forehead. "Shhh, it's okay." He blinks slowly and our eyes make contact. "Eliza," my name was sweet on his mouth "Look at me," His brown eyes were big and I wanted nothing more to hold home 3 words, "I don't remember," This accident was his nightmare. "Shhh, it's okay."


 I held his hand as he slept and hummed to him. It seemed to calm him because his breaths started to slow. He finally slept peacefully for a while. "This is normal. When he woke up he didn't remember any of the accident, so it's normal of him to have nightmares about it or for the memories to come back in flashes. Right now it just seems like they are dreams," I wanted Jack so badly to wake up and for everything to be okay. But it was dumb of me to think that. I should've known there would be things in our way. But he and I, we can do this.

 "Just keep him calm. All this stress he's putting on himself, is not healthy. Get his mind off of it." I was determined to do so. I watched his chest move up and down and hoped he wouldn't shake. I need to do somethings. I need him to be okay. I went to our apartment and cleaned it. The dishes were overflowing a bit, but it was only cups.  "I am never here, why is this place dirty?" I swepped the floor and did some laundry. His clothes sat neatly in his draws. I picked him out a few t-shirts and some pants. I want him to get out of those hospital clothes. After I cleaned our room, I see pictures of us. I touch some of Jack's tuxedos. Jack was a business man. His business was what got us this apartment. I knew he had to get back to that. Before the accident, his job was his life. I thought I'd bring his tie along too. Maybe that would jump his spirits or even get his mind off of things.

 When I got back, the food he got earlier was still on the tray next to him. He didn't want to eat for the first few days. The doctors said that he had to stay here for another 5. I counted down each day. I was afraid that once we got out of here, we have a hard time adjusting. "Debra brings gifts,"  Debra's gifts were always food. He had his hands wrapped around a pen and his head in his book. "I remember, I couldn't even get you to hold that book. Now you can't take your eyes off of it." He just shrugs his shoulders. He did that a lot. "It holds all the things I can't speak." I didn't question it.

  I pushed a plate of salad towards him. "EAT."I hold out my hands and he sets the book in them. "Don't read it." I promised i wouldn't after he asked, and I didn't. "Who is this Debra lady? And why does she keep on sending me food?" He took small bites of the food. I was just glad that he had stomached something down. "She is a friend of mine. She works in the cafeteria and she gives me comfort food," Jack pushes the food away and drinks some water.

 "Well maybe I'll have to meet her if she seems so fond of you," He was changing the subject. I was worried about him and he knew that. He insists on making me happy. I am the one that should be making him happy. "She'd love that," He took another nap and I watched him.  He snored a bit while he was sleeping. That's how I knew he had a restful sleep. I picked up the book. I touched the pages as usual. In the recent pages, he pressed down pretty hard while writing.

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