Chapter 16

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Chapter 16



 I shrugged my shoulders a lot when she was talking. I didn't speak a word, because didn't know what to say. "Maybe my pie is so good, you're speechless," She implied. I ate her pie in silence and curiousity. I wondered what was so special about her, because I saw nothing but her food. But I'm sure there's a reason why Eliza confines in her so much. "She tells me a lot about your book," This was subject I was interested in. "My book? What book?" I say. "The one with your memories. The one Eliza would cry over, because that was what she had of you for 5 months," everyone seemed to know about my—- "Journal, oh yes, that's what she called it."

  I fidget a little in my seat. She knew things and it seemed like way too much. "Well she just told me you like to write and I thought that was great. So I want you to write something for me," This lady was pushing it. But I took on the job. "Write three things, open when: it's been a week, it's been a month, it's been a year. Write these letters to yourself and read them at the time. Tell yourself what you hope and want to improve, tell yourself that having worries will give you wrinkles and that you'll be okay. In a month, in a week, and even in a year, tell yourself you'll be okay." I told her I would do this as long as she wrote some herself. "Do we have deal, Mr. Jack?" She smiled and reach out her and to me. "Yes, we do,"

OPEN WHEN: it's been a week


In a week, I don't think I'd make any progress. My body will still be numb and I would have to learn to touch with feeling.


But in week, I'll be okay.

OPEN WHEN: it's been a month

 In a month, I would be typing. I hopefully I'll be back at work and I'll be in my suit, using my numb fingers to type. In a month, I'll stop being afraid of my mind and stop waking up in my sleep.


So in a month, I'll be okay.

OPEN WHEN: it's been a year

In a year, I would be in Paris. I would be aside Eliza and we would travel the streets of Paris. I could touch her with feeling and my fingers aren't numb anymore. In a year, I'll have happiness.


In a year, I'll be complete.

 "Let me take them, so when it's time you can come back and open them." Debra took the letters out my hand and skimmed over them. "Paris? You have big dreams," I smiled and nodded my head. We had taped down our letters and placed them into envelops. After a while of smiling she opened hers. "Didn't you said we were gonna open them together?" She was tearing the seal and unfolding her letter. She cleared her throat and started to read.

 "Dearest Debra, it's a week away from your husband birthday. He was a great man. Don't ever forget that he is the reason why you love food; and he's one of the things you cherish besides food. Remember his aging smile and how handsome he was after being sick for months and months. You loved a lifetime. So on his birthday don't forget to make his favorite dish and put flowers on his grave. He would appreciate everything you've done for him. He was the love of your life."

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