Chapter 24

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Chapter 24


2 months later.

August to October,

I have never felt so alive and down all at the same time. I know I wrote a few months ago, that I felt like my brain was fighting me, but once I overcame the pain, and that anger towards something else, I've been fine. The pills they gave me for the pain, are great, but everything is still there. The therapy in both areas are doing so well, I rarely see Dr. Lund anymore but when I do, it's once a week or so and he's still asking me how I am coping.

And when I go to the physical therapist, she is asking me about my legs and the feeling of walking or moving at a fast pace. Still after two months there is still no driving or running for me. Every time I am in the car, I automatically want to get into the driver's seat, but when I'm in there, I get anxious. I don't know when I'll ever be able to in back into the driver's seat.

I just finished some of the leftovers we had from Debra's birthday party a few weeks ago. She turned 50 years old and I feel like she's my second grandmother; considering I don't talk to mine that much. When we went to the party, I helped Eliza and a few of Debra's children decorate her house. We didn't have a surprise party; because Debra's son Christopher, said that she was gonna have a heart attack if we scared her. However, the night was fun. That also was the night Debra, decided to quit working at the hospital to retire.

We had invited people from the hospital and her close friends, so it was kind of a shocker. So we all congratulated her and I got the urge to want to help her. She told me that in a year, she wanted to have her own restaurant with her own food, so I was gonna help her do it. I also decided something myself: I'm gonna go back to work.

I would need to so I can help Debra, but I wanted to go back so I can live on with my life. I didn't want to be someone who survived from a car accident, a coma, and who lives semi-handicapped. I mean, of course I can't run anymore I'll probably always have this slight numbness in my feet and these scars on my chest, but I wanted to be more than that. I want to be the man that helped important women in his life, get their dreams.

Debra, and Eliza, are those women and I was determined to help them. I was getting close to getting a promotion at the business I work for, but if I'm gonna help Debra, I can help her develop her business and if I worked hard enough I can balance my current job and help Debra. The money is part of job, but now it will be more about helping Debra with her dream. I can do it.

"You writing about your life in there," Eliza comes into the bed room and watches me from the doorway. "Yes, I am." I wrote in here almost every day. Sometimes, it is notes about my memory, or the days I have in therapy, or even songs and things I make up. "Well, dinner is ready, and I could bring it to you, but I hear you have been better with your walking, so let's see you do it." She says, and I slowly follow her to the kitchen. I move the cover off my body and swing my legs to the side of the bed. I wait for a while, and call on my upper body strength to help me forward. Once I am on my feet, I put one foot in front of me and then the other.

I agreed that I was getting better at my walking, and everything else, but that I was always nervous. "What did you make me, honey?" Once I finally reach the kitchen, I smell cinnamon. "Well, I didn't know what to eat, and I was craving some waffles, so look what we have!" She turned around with a plate full of waffles and pancakes. "I made a lot of batter, so I put some in the waffle maker, and then I used the rest to make some pancakes! I hope you're hungry, because I made a lot." She smiles big and I smile big. "Eliza, I thought you were making dinner, like chicken and some vegetables or spaghetti or something like that. But I enjoy breakfast for dinner too," I sit down at the dinner table after making my plate with two waffles and a pancake.

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