Chapter 21

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Chapter 21


                  "I can't tell you how happy I am," Thomas brings me a sandwich and over lunch, I tell him about the day Jack came home from his physical therapy session. This was the time that he came home and said he didn't cry after the session. He looked like he didn't want to hear it, but was happy I smiled. Devin had walked off from me when we got here. This was another lunch date set up by Thomas and he said Devin could come along. I had bailed on him that one time and it was a while before we had meet up again. "I could imagine the happiness," Thomas smiled his attractive smile. He ran his hands though his newly cut hair and rubbed his eyes and his light stubble. "I won't bury you in my joy." I disregarded his stares. I feel bad that I'm glowing with happiness and I'm rubbing it in his face, but I just smile. "Don't listen to me; I won't speak of it anymore. I can see how uncomfortable it makes you," I never asked about his friend in the hospital and he never told me. The guilt was covering me. I suggested that he had a drink but he said he goes against day drinking.

                   "I'm sure you can hide your smiles but your eyes are screaming," I've learned that Thomas has a mysterious mind. "I feel bad. And I'm sorry." I tell him. "Don't be, your smile is beautiful." I blush and touch his hand from across the table. Later on during the 'date' I ordered a fruit cup and Thomas picked the melons out of it. "If you wanted more melons, we should've went to Golden Corral," I laugh but I don't know if he got it. "Have I ever told you about my friend?" Thomas never shared much to me, especially about her. We had gotten closer and I stopped being rude to him.

                   So gloating earlier made me feel like, I wanted to slap myself. I was bragging about Jack and he still had a friend in the hospital. "A little I think, is this the friend you don't talk about?" I say. "Yes, she is—"Devin texted me and I got distracted. "—one day when we were out, her and I were drinking—" I got a text from Jack, "When you come and get me, can I drive?" The doctors told him that driving may be difficult for him since the accident, but he still begged me to drive every day, after his legs started to feel better. "—and she was going through some hard times, so I was—" I didn't pay attention to his story. It wasn't that I don't care; I was just focused on Jack and the time. "I am so sorry, Thomas. I enjoy this little 'date' and I'm happy we can do this, but I need to go get Jack." I kiss his cheek and thank him again.

              I see Devin with a girl at a table, clinking their glasses together. I watch him from a far and text him. "What are you doing?" He text back a long paragraph about how he saw the Starbucks girl again and now they are on a date. "That's so romantic, but we need to go," I text back. He told me he was gonna ride with her to my place. "Alright," I walk past him at the table and wink. Once I get outside, I see Thomas by his car. "I'm sorry," I mouth. "It's okay," He mouthed back. I felt bad, again. "You know what," would be the second time I've bailed on him. "Thomas come back. I sent Devin out to pick up Jack, let's go out for a drink like we said we would about a week ago," I offered for the second time, and he agreed. We both pulled out of the little restaurant and drove to the nearest bar. When we got to the bar, I texted Jack and told him that Devin was coming to get him, and clicked off my phone.

             Thomas and I walked into the bar together and the barista greeted us. I ordered a beer and Thomas ordered something himself. "You don't follow your own advice I see," He says when we are handed our drinks. "I just assumed you were a day drinker, I never said I wasn't," I protest. "Did you assume, because every time I go to the restaurant you work at for my lunch, I order a beer, or because the legal drinking age in England is 16...?" Thomas claims. "The first one, and is it really 16?" I laugh nervously. Devin was right; he wasn't really a creeper after all. "No it's actually 18, but 16 year olds can drink but not buy drinks." He tells me. "I knew that," I smirk at him. "Of course you did," he takes a swig of his beer and smiles. I kept my stares to a minimum, and so did he. I skipped to get Jack, only to have a silent lunch, wtf.

                "So," We said at the same time. "You go first," He tells me. "Tell me about your friend; I wasn't listening earlier and I apologize, but now you have my full attention." I get a soda and he talks to talk. "There wasn't much about her I was gonna tell you, I was just gonna tell you about her condition. But it's alright now; we can talk about something else." He says, and I don't object. "Well then let's talk about you. So you said you only come into the restaurant because it's near your job, what do you exactly when you're not at the hospital?" I wouldn't be surprised if he said he was a model, but he said he took pictures. "Oh, you're a photographer...?" I was surprised, only because he looked like would be in a picture and not taking them. "Yes, I take pictures for companies and just causal pictures, do you wanna see?" He showed me the pictures he had on his phone. He had a lot of pictures of the sky and sunsets, but they were all equally beautiful. "Wow Thomas, these are beautiful," I tell him.

            "Will you send me one of these so it can be my lock screen," I pick the picture I wanted and he agrees. "If your gonna post it, give me credit and give a shout out," He smiles. I take out his phone and follow him on my Instagram, "I will give you credit, and will think about that shout out." I made the sunset picture my lock screen; I promised him I'd post it later. "Maybe one day, I'll take a picture of you. And I'll put it in my portfolio." He says. He points his phone to me, and the flash goes off. "If you take a picture of me, I'll make you delete it. " I tell him. He offers me to come over his house and I decline. Too much in one day. "Maybe another time, but I need to be home when Jack gets there. I'll see you around though," I wave him goodbye and get into my car. I drive back to the apartment and I try to beat Jack and Devin home.

Hi Guys!;) It's Kobi and I am so sorry for the short ass chapter! 

But  I hope you enjoyed it..

maybe? Maybe not? I don't know. 

But I have some much planned for the story and if any of you have any ideas,

feel free to inbox me! I love hearing you guys ideas about the story. 

This chapter is about the guy you guys don't like. 

Aw but he's so cute :0

...sorry I wasn't supposed to say that. 


Comment, Vote, and things like that;)

Love you guys, xoxo 

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