Chapter 13

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Chapter 13


  There went the wrinkle of his eyebrows. It was hard to explain to him. He said everything I was talking about didn't make sense. And till this day, it still doesn't. "How could this happen? Why?" I couldn't answer his question. The doctors told him everything they could. His face was just blank. His smile is gone, those brown eyes weren't shining anymore. "Can I be alone?" The sadness started and I saw the tears. "We should leave him. Come on." I left the book at his bed side. I put ta pen into his hands. "Write Jack," He waited until I was out of the room to write anything. I watched him sob into his hands in confusion. "Can't I help him? He's crying," I asked the doctor. "When survivors of any kind realize their condition or state, they tend to cry. Jack is confused, it's gonna take him a while to adapt. Just be there for him. Possibly call his family," The doctor explains. I try and let go of my worry. I need to give him time.

"Do you want one of my muffins?" I went to Debra for help. "No thanks. But are you listening? I don't want him to isolate himself," Jack has done it before. And I just don't want him spiraling down the same path.  "Eliza, learn to give him space and cookies," I take the cookies from Debra and walk to Jack's room slowly. "Can I have one of those?" Thomas walks behind me with a soda in his hands. "No, they are not for you." Will he go away?  "Ah can't I just have one?" He reaches around me and tries to put his hand in the bag. "Just because I had expensive coffee with you, does not mean I'll share my cookies or anything else for that matter. So do not ask again."

I walk away fast. I tried to hide the immediate feeling that I was being a bitch for no reason. So I thought for a little and then turned back around. "How did I know you'd come back? He sat outside a hospital room. "I said I would be nice. So here, take only one." He takes a cookie from the bag and takes a bite out of it. "That Debra is a real master in the kitchen." He said chewing the cookie. "Your welcome," I walked away this time.

I get closer to the door and his room sounded silent. I heard no more cries, and I didn't even hear him talking to anyone. "Hi," It a bit odd. It was like the first moment I saw him. I didn't say 'Hi' because small talk was small talk. I wanted more from him from the beginning. "Do you wanna see what I wrote?" He handed his book to me, "Of course,"

Nothing made sense. I was in a coma? What happened? I told her what I remember, there has to be more to it. I was doing something for her. Why was I the one hurt?

"Jack it wasn't like that," His hurt stare stopped me. "Then what was it like? Please tell me," Jack doesn't like feeling vulnerable. And at this moment, h was. I couldn't blame him, but I couldn't give him any answers. "You were hit. All I can tell you, is the moment I found out, I couldn't move. That day was starting of great. You were trying to please me. And I greatly appreciate all that you were doing. And then I called you at that night and tried to ask you what was holding you up. A stranger answered your phone and told me you had been hurt. I cried and left right away. It was too late when I got here and I thought you had died. They said I couldn't see you. That 'family only,' shit and I was your family. I am your family. I cried again because I couldn't see you. And when I finally could, you were in a coma," His anger melted away. His eyes were glossy and they peered up at me.

"Eliza—-" I smiled at him. "Jack I understand why you're upset. Don't worry about it." I laid down by his side. "You know how long I've waited to do this?" I didn't remind him of how long he's been under his deep sleep. "I'll make it up to you, my love." I wanted to kiss him. But this would be a first in 5 months. I hesitated, and just stared at him. "You want me kiss me," Jack knew me better than I did myself. "I do," I reply. We laid down and stared at the ceiling at this moment. There was this silence between us and I felt like it would last forever. "Que faites-vous pour Wating? " –"What are you waiting for?" Oh his French is perfect.

"Jack," He always found ways to make me happy. "I don't know actually. It just came out, but I'm happy your impressed." I laugh and do what I want. Kiss him. His lips were foreign for a second. It was like I didn't know how to kiss. This was something I've wanted to do for five months. This was has been the longest time without a kiss or anything, and now that I've had it, I want more. The kiss escalated from soft and slow, too fast and handsy. I wanted nothing more than to touch every part of him.

"Eliza," I was running my fingers through his hair. "I'm sorry," He stopped our kiss and I could see the pain on his face. "Oh my gosh, I am so sorry." His head probably hurts. "Your fine. I wanted you."- "Votre bien. Je te veux," His French turned me on. "I want you too." Now this kiss was a peck on the lips, and he asked me to sit next to him in the chair. I passed him one of Debra's cookies but he happily declined. "Are you sure?" He nodded his head. I had no control over what was best for him now. "Okay."

When he slept, I did the same thing I did before. I read out of his book. The page he wrote had heavy pen marks. The words he wrote imprinted through the pages.  I flip to a happy moment. One when his writing was rushed, but it made sense. The beauty of this book was the story. 

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