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Chapter Fifteen Another Tragedy Strikes

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Chapter Fifteen
Another Tragedy Strikes

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❝Do I look sickly to you?❞


I WAS LEFT ALONE IN THE house, cleaning the breakfast mess. Y/N was still asleep since last night and I didn't want to bother her by waking her up. I was still surprised to know that my little sister is actually a demon, a flesh eating creature.

But no matter what, she still remains my little sister and I will love her all the time.

Another thing, I started to suspect dad's behavior recently. He became more secretive and on edge, as if he was hiding something. However, knowing him, he will never tell me whatsoever. I have to discover his secret by myself even if it would take me years to know. After I cleaned the kitchen, I decided to go and check on Y/N to see if she woke up or not.

I walked upstairs to her room and knocked on the door then opened it slightly. I took a peek and saw her still sleeping soundly, "I shouldn't bother her, she needs more rest." I thought as I closed the door slowly to not to make noise. I went back to the kitchen and decided to write a note for Y/N to know I'm gone for a while.

Going to buy some groceries.
I will be back in an hour, be safe!

-Mikey :)

I pinned the note on the fridge with a magnet. I took some money and left to the store, I have to make it quick.


I didn't expect the store to be this crowded this much. It took me almost two hours that I started to get worried for Y/N, "Y/N, I'm home!" I called for her, but I was greeted by an eerie silence.

For some reason, I have bad feelings about this, "She is still asleep?" I thought as I went to put the things in the kitchen. I saw the note still in its place and this confirmed to me that Y/N is still sleeping. I didn't waste time and went to her room again. I knocked on the door and waited,  I didn't get a respond.

"Y/N, I'm coming in."

I opened the door and walked in, seeing Y/N still asleep. I approached her bed and gently shook her, "Y/N, wake up. It's almost noon." I called for her, but she still hasn't woke up yet. I shook her again, "Y/N?" This started to freak me out...

"Y/N? Y/N, wake up!" I tried several times to wake her up and shake her, but she refused to open her eyes. It was as if she was in a coma or something... I looked around in panic, "What do I do? What do I do?" I thought, running a hand through my messy brown hair.


I must tell him about this immediately, he knows what to do in this situation. I found myself running to the phone downstairs to call dad, hopefully he answers me.

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I didn't know how I just ran outside the restaurant to my car. When Michael told me that something was wrong with Y/N, I just found myself dashing to my house.

Once I reached there, I ran immediately to Y/N's room only to see Michael sitting beside her on the bed. I went to her and held her hand, "What happened to her?" I asked, looking at Michael with mixed feelings. He looked so stressed himself, "I-I don't know. I came to wake her up, but she doesn't want to." He explained, fear evident in his eyes.

"Bring her cloak, I'm taking her to the hospital!"

Michael obliged and quickly fetched her cloak. I wrapped her in it and gave her to Michael, "You hold her and I will drive." I instructed as Michael took Y/N in his arms. We both quickly went downstairs to the car and I drove to the hospital.


I was waiting for the doctor, sitting on a chair near her bed. He did some tests to check if her disease had returned or not and this is what I fear the most. I don't want my child to suffer from that horrible illness again, it was a miracle that she survived it. I don't want Y/N to die.

The room was quiet, none of us spoke up. Just then, the door opened and the doctor finally walked in. I stood up and went to him, "Tell me, is my daughter going to be okay?" I asked him with concern. He looked at the papers in his hands, "I don't know what to tell you, mr. Afton, but the tests shows that she is in a healthy condition. I don't know why she refuses to wake up." He explained, leaving me and Michael confused.

Both of us exchanged glances before I looked back to the guy, "What do mean? If she is fine, why isn't she waking up?" I asked as I felt rage boiling in my blood. Is he kidding with me? There has to be something wrong that put my daughter in this condition. The doctor let out a sigh, "We did the test more than one time and the results are the same, it's unknown why is she in a coma." He said and this confused me more.

The doctor then left the room. I pushed my hair back with my hands as I turned to my sleeping child, "Is Y/N going to be okay, father?" Michael spoke up with fear and worry. I shook my head and dropped down on the chair, my head in my hands.

"I don't know, Michael. I don't know."

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