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Chapter Twenty Operation: Saving the Family #1

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Chapter Twenty
Operation: Saving the Family #1

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❝I can do anything now.❞

YOU SLIGHTLY FROWNED while fixing the suit your brother has brought for you. You didn't like looking like a man, but you have to do so if you want to save your mother and sister. You turned to Michael and crossed your arms in irritation. The reason why you were upset was because you didn't like the plan, not one bit.

Michael chuckled nervously upon seeing your death glare, "Father sure has a lot of purple suits, right? Thankfully I found a black one, hehe..." He said while scratching the back of his head, trying to lighten the mood. Your glare sharpened which freaked Michael out, "Michael, this is not the time to make jokes." Oddly, your deep and manly voice scared your older brother a lot, "I know I know, but you have to do this in order to save mom and Lizzy." He reasoned to make you understand that this plan will work perfectly even though it was wrong.

The plan was like this... You use this new appearance and dress up in a fancy suit to show that you're a rich man. After that, you go to the new company your uncle Henry has opened and propose to buy Circus Baby Pizza World from the company and take full responsibility of it. Thankfully, your dad has gained a lot of money from the previous restaurants and the old company he used to own. Thus, Michael managed to get all of this money cash and put in a nice black business bag. This plan was just to get Elizabeth and Clara out of the pizzeria before it's too late. Michael got this idea when he heard about the opportunities Fazbear Entertainment offers to people who want to start a new business in food services and entertainment. So, you were pretending to be one of those young men who want to start their own business. What you hated about this plan was the fact that you were going to fool Henry, a man you respect and consider as a family member. It was evil of you!! However, in order to save your family, you were going to take any risk.

You sighed and dropped your shoulders, "And that's what I hate... I have to do it to save mama and Lizzy..." You trailed off, looking sadly down at the ground. Michael put his hand on your shoulder in assuring manners, "Look, I know it's hard for you to do this to uncle Henry, but we have to if we want to reunite our family." He said in a gently tone. You forced a nod of agreement, "You're right, it's for the sake of our family reunion." You replied with a small smile on your face.

After going through what have to say, you were now ready to leave the house and go to meet your dad's ex-bestfriend. Michael put on a mask and a hoodie to cover his appearance. He left the house and went to the car to take you to the company. You followed Michael, stepping out of the house in the daytime for the first time in years. It was as if it was your first time seeing the sun and the blue sky. Everything looked so lively and beautiful, you were grateful that you finally were able to be outside the darkness of your room. The sound of the horn of the car snapped you out of your daze, "Hey Y/N, we don't have the whole day!" Michael called for you.

You quickly snapped out of your thoughts and rushed to the car, "Coming!" You just hoped this plan would work exactly like how Michael planned it.

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Michael sat in the car, nervously shaking his leg while waiting for you outside. He parked away from the company building to avoid any suspicion.

He was constantly checking the time, noticing that you took time more than needed, It has been three hours! Dark thoughts started to swarm in his head, "Why is she taking so long? Did she get caught? Did uncle Henry discover her disguise? Dad will tear me apart if anything happens to Y/N!" He didn't know why the last thought came across his mind since his dad is gone, but still! He wasn't ready to get killed again! Suddenly, the door opened which snapped Michael out of his thought. He looked to the passenger seat to see you sitting there with a frown, you were looking down to the envelope in your hand.

"Y/N?..." He called out your name, but you didn't reply. He put his hand on your upper arm and shook you lightly, "Y/N!" He called again and this time you snapped out of your short daze. You looked at him with a bit of shock which confused him, "Hey, what happened? Are you okay?" Michael asked out concern. You nodded with a forced smile, showing him the envelope, "I got the restaurant, uncle Henry approved of my ownership." You told him, your voice sounded a little shaky. Michael was suspicious, you were acting strange.

"Y/N, did he know your true identity?"

"N-No, no. He didn't know anything. It's just that I'm surprised the plan has worked perfectly."

Michael was still suspicious, but he decided to believe you for now. He started the car and drove back to your house. Throughout the ride, your mind went to the conversation you had with Henry. You were in disbelief and shook... His words still rang in your ears...

"I will believe what you said and give you the restaurant, but... You better be saying the truth."

His expression showed a look of a stressed out man that had hope in your words. However, you weren't lying about anything you said. All you said was nothing but the solid truth.

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