My sisters boyfriend has a brother

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"Y-you have a boy in your room". I announced after barging into my sisters room and catching her with a boy in her bed.

"Yeah so what"? She asked me. Even though she was 20, 2 years older than me. I still resented that mom treated me like a kid.

"He's my boyfriend". She smiled teasingly.
The boy stared at me with wide eyes as I glared back from the door frame.

"This isn't fair... when I was dating nishinoya mom never even let him come over". I whined.
"Im more mature than you... now get the fuck out". My sister said furrowing her eyebrows at me.
"Suck dick... oh wait- you probably do". I replied sticking my middle finger up at her.

She blushed when her boyfriend looked at her.
Ew- gross.

I slammed the door shut.
My mom wasn't home so I could do that.
"Bitch". I whispered as I walked to my room.

I was wearing shorts and a tank top, I hope her pervert boyfriend didn't think I'm her hot little sis or something. Hot and sexy- mhm.
My ass is so fat today.

I pushed open my room door and jumped into my bed.
My phone started ringing, and I picked it up to answer my mom. I already knew it was her. She smells like favoritism.

"Hello"? I asked as she started talking immediately.
"I'm gonna be home late so can you please make something for dinner"? She asked.
"What?! Why don't you ask meiko"!? I questioned.
I could hear that she was in the car.

"Y/n don't fight with me right now please". She said sounding tired.
"I'm- not fighting. But meiko is literally 20 why can't she make dinner"? I asked.
"You know your sister can't cook... do you really wanna take that risk".
"Fine. I'll cook for my grown (ass) sister". I said.
I left the curse word out- since my mom would probably drag me down the street.

I hung up.
God forbid meiko actually be useful.

"I'm making pasta or some shit"! I yelled from my room.
"Kay"! Meiko yelled back.

God she gets on my nerves. Mom used to talk about how she was gonna kick meiko out as soon as she turned 18- and look what it's gotten to.

I got up and yawned as I walked to the kitchen.
I looked around the pantry for some pasta, but there wasn't any.

I'm not cooking anything else, I'd rather go to the corner store and get a pack.

I walked back to meikos room and barged in, closing my eyes when I saw her and kiyoshi making out.
"Seriously? You sluts". I said disgusted as I walked in without permission and snatched her keys off her nightstand.
They continued to make out even though I had came in- not even flinching.

Kiyoshi was the type of boy that played nice and was proper around my mom. But any other time he was a loud mouth, dumbass with no manners.

I left the room and jingled the keys as I walked to the front door. Don't mind me- just stealing your car meiko.

My mom bought her one when she was 16, and for me? Nothing.

I left and realized how cold it was. The night sky frozen above me, and the moon lighting the way.
Damn I should have grabbed a jacket- but I don't feel like getting one.

When I breathed, the air formed smoke and I shivered walking down the drive way in my tank top and short shorts.

Kiyoshi had his car parked next to meikos, and I thought about peeking in to see what kind of stuff was in there.
Maybe condoms? Illegal stuff... or a freaking dead body. That psychopath.

I peered though the window and into the back seat, and I saw somebody laying down and watching a video on their phone.

Oh my god a homeless person...


It's just a girl.
Woah is this kiyoshis sister or something?
I couldn't tell because she had a hoodie on, and her face was buried in her phone.

She suddenly noticed me gazing at her, and I saw her eyes widen.

Is what I assume it sounded like- when I saw her scream and bring her knees to her chest.. burying her face.

What the hell.
This Scary bitch is crazy.
The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

After a moment, she collected herself and slowly reached across for the door handle.
She seemed hesitant to even open it.
Do I look weird or something?

I grabbed the cracked door and accepted the invitation inside the car. It was turned off so the heat wasn't on- making it just as cold as the outside.

"Damn- I'm freezing". I laughed.
I could barely see her, it was dark out here... or in here.

She didn't respond.
"What? Are you shy"? I asked as she turned her phone off making it even darker.

Ok- creepy bitch is just staring at me now.

"Who are you"? She asked with a deep voice....
Oh my god it's a boy.

"You're a boy". I said out loud, pointing at him and feeling my jaw drop.
He didn't respond.

"Say something"! I blurted out as I wondered how I didn't notice before. He just has long hair... but a really pretty face- for a boy.

"Who are you"? He asked again.
"So you just let strangers in your car"? I asked.
"Are you meikos sister"? He asked ignoring me.

"Uhhh- yeah". I responded, clasping my hands together for warmth. I was really jealous of that hoodie he had on.

"What's your name"? I asked.

"Kenma". He said back, turning his phone on again and resuming his video.

Is this his way of kicking me out?

"Mm... well I'm y/n". I told him as he literally payed no attention to me. He had his eyes glued to the screen.
What the hell is wrong with kiyoshi and his family!?

"Right... I gotta go". Weirdo~ I thought as I opened the car door again and stepped out.
Kenma ignored me until the very end, when I left the car and he laid back down.

I'm gonna cry if it gets any colder.

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