you can't be afraid to fall

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with a slow pace, Kuroo, ki, and lev trailed far behind me. However I didn't want to leave kenma alone for too long, he might get hurt or something who knows? I have to be there for him -_-

a little further into the dim moonlight, I saw the figure of a person skating and my eyes widened as they jumped out of the bowl and briefly spent time in the air. upon getting closer it was confirmed to be kenma, and he had a smile on his face. "kenma- that's so cool". I called out, approaching the edge of the bowl and feeling my stomach drop. how does he go down this steep decline on those tiny wheels? "t-thanks", he mumbled back seemingly surprised at my appearance. Had he already forgotten he didn't come here alone?

My stomach had already dropped once, but I swear I felt it drop again as kenma rolled by this side and stopped in front of me, stepping off his board and catching it in his hand. his hair was down and a little messy from the wind, his lidded eyes were captivating and his slight smile revealed sharp canines. The way his loose joggers were a little stacked at his ankles, and his shirt hung over his waist, with 2 drawstrings peeking from beneath. I Nearly held my breath. 

The others hadn't caught up yet, so for a brief moment I could experience him alone. "y/n do you skate"? kenma asked breaking my focus. (oh hell to the fuck nah, im not going down this mountain on a little ass rolling plank) "um- no". I whispered embarrassed. kenma looked down at my feet and then back up into my eyes. "wanna try"? he responded. (I know what I just said but- kenma was actually engaging with me, and if I do something that interest him then...ill be interesting). "well- I'm honestly nervous to try, I don't wanna get hurt". I admitted. 

kenma looked away thoughtfully, "well I didn't bring any pads but- ill make sure you don't fall". he told me causing my heartbeat to cease. (I am dead now). does this mean he's gonna stay with me this entire time, holding my hands?? sign me up. "hm- come down here". he told me extending his hand to me and causing me to internally panic. I reached down and held his hand. the warmth between us was comforting. I stepped down into the bowl and nearly lost my balance on the slanted wall, forcing me to sit down. "really? you can't even stand up"? kenma teased with a grin. (throb). 

"I told you ill need help", I added. kenma squeezed my hand tighter, assuring me that he wouldn't let me roll down. I slowly stood up, and trailed down the wall with bent knees. I couldn't have reached the bottom fast enough. "ok so- maybe you should try just balancing first", kenma began. uhhhhh- 

He put his skateboard down and used his foot to hold it still. "okay now step on", he prompted quickly. huh? he wasn't holding me at all. "uh kenma- I need your hand again", I told him truthfully. "right"- he replied holding his hand out again. I grabbed it easily and stepped forward onto the board. When the world turned sideways- I just knew kenma wasn't shit as a trainer. I was on the floor within the matter of a second, and the only thing holding kenmas hand had done was cushion my fall. 

"Kenma", I whined feeling betrayed. "mkay, now that you got your first fall out of the way, you won't be so afraid anymore trust me- it will help you be more comfortable". he explained. "so you let me fall on purpose". I restated annoyed. he actually smiled wide, "yeah". 

"see I can't do this.. I'm definitely still afraid- maybe even more now". I complained. 

"you cant be afraid to fall". he told me. 

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