Lets go

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"Why are you guys just sitting here in the darkness"? Ki asked kuroo in the front seat.
I gave a side eye to kenma, who was slouching into his seat. "Kenma has a headache". Kuroo chimed causing kenma to squint. "You're making it so much better". Kenma replied sarcastically.
A headache Hm?

I glanced at him again. "It's probably this". I said leaning across the middle seat and reaching up to lightly touch kenmas hair, that he had pulled back into a tight hair tie.
"Take this out". I said softly, positioning my hands around the hair tie and sliding it down.

He seemed surprised but he didn't say stop. So I slid it off his hair and handed it to him.
"Doesn't it feel like less pressure"? I asked.
Kenma waited a moment, and then nodded stoically.

"Awww- she's your super hero". Kuroo cooed from the front. Kenma kicked the back of his seat causing him to whine.

"So- what are you guys doing tonight"? Ki asked.
"We always hang out here. And then sometimes we go skate in this empty ditch". Kuroo explained.
"Empty ditch"? I whispered.

"It's not so bad- we don't get bothered out there". Kuroo said.
"Are you trying to lure us out there to be your victims"? Ki asked kuroo smiling.
"If I was, I wouldn't tell you it's abandoned". Kuroo replied.

Ki thought it was the cutest flirting ever, and I thought it was creepy. 

I looked at kenma and it seemed like he was purposely dodging eye contact.
"So... you skate too"? I asked him.
"You saw me skating just the other day". He replied looking down. I bit the inside of my cheek.
I don't know how to talk to this boy at all.

"Stop being so stiff". Kuroo told his friend who had an Attitude. "Stiff-". Kenma whispered back letting a smirk cross his face. My ears perked up hearing him make those type of jokes. Especially since he was so quiet.

"Wait... oh my gosh"! Ki started laughing and she hit kuroos shoulder like that was the funniest thing she's ever heard. Even though we talk that way all the time.

"Gross kenma- be mature". Kuroo whined sarcastically. I hid my slight smile not wanting anyone to know how dumb my humor was.

"So? Are you coming with us". Kuroo mumbled at Ki from the front. She stared back at him with starry eyes, reflecting the lights from the parking garage. And they looked at eachother deeply making my stomach turn.

"Mhm". She confirmed without even looking back at me.

I glanced at kenma who fumbled with his hair tie between his fingers and then slid it onto his wrist.
"I- think your hair looks nice down like that". I told him stumbling on my words.

Kenma looked at me and then leaned against the door on his elbow. "Uhhh- thanks". He replied.
I pursed my lips and looked away.
But decided I should try a little harder to create some interaction. If we have to hang out all night we better get familiar.

"Also, I like the color". I chimed.
Even the two in the front seat took notice of my efforts to talk to kenma. "Aww, Ken Ken she likes your hair". Kuroo cooed. Ki snickered and Kenma turned to look out the window.
"I said thanks"- he mumbled back.

Did he even want to try?
How antisocial is he?

"I just have a headache- you know"? Kenma asked me a little quieter.
I nodded and looked at his perfect features.

"That medicine you took should kick in soon- but lev wants to know if we can get going to the skate park". Kuroo spoke.
"Fine". Kenma told him.

"Ok- he's gonna ride with us". Kuroo said casually.

I already knew what that meant-

As the tall guy 'lev' opened the back door and peeked in, I moved over for him to sit down.
Ki and kuroo were in their own worlds, so I had to face the troubling experience of moving closer to kenma ALONE.

our shoulders and legs were touching. Because lev was pushing me against him.

Since kenma and I were both wearing shorts, our bare skin rubbed one another and my mind ran wild at that.

"Alright- let's go". Kuroo said starting the car as Ki practically drooled by his side.
"Drive smooth". Kenma complained rubbing his eyes and looking groggy.

He was so cute...

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