Txt me

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I layed in bed playing a game on my phone.
A few hours passed as I refused to move from this spot. I was a little depressed that kenma didn't show. I thought for sure after last night he would wanna come... atleast to get his hoodie back.

The look of shock plastered over my face was indescribable, as kenma walked into my room unannounced and without permission.

"Ah"! I jumped and threw my phone. The both of us watching it fling between my bed and the wall, falling down the space to the bottom and hitting the floor.

I noticed kenma was wearing his hoodie... the one that disappeared from the bathroom.

"Did... your brother return that to you"? I asked pointing at it. He slightly smiled and shook his head. "I grabbed it off the bathroom door... I didn't think anyone was in there". He said lowly. Still standing in the door frame.

"Well- couldn't you hear the shower running"? I asked. "Yeah I realized when I came in... that's why I drew the heart". He said.
Ok that explains absolutely nothing. 
"Yeah- why did you draw that"? I questioned.

"I thought you would know i was the one who took it". He explained.
That makes no sense.

"Anyways... I was gonna wash it". I said looking over the hoodie that was just in my possession.

"It's fine I can do it myself". He told me coming in and closing the door behind him.

I tensed up nervously.
What's going on?
Why is he actually talking to me.

"Where have you been this whole time"? I asked. "Outside". He replied.
"Sitting in the car"?
He silently nodded and walked closer.

My heart was pounding out my chest.
Is he about to make a confession?
His lips parted. And I gripped my thighs underneath the blankets.

"Y/n"? He asked.

My face got hot, and I perked up sitting with anticipation.


"My phone died- can I use your charger"? He asked.



I handed him my charger from beside the bed and he grabbed it and turned around, opening the door and walking out.


I sat dumbfounded at how I even believed he would say something remotely romantic. He obviously didn't feel that way towards me at all.

I slid off the side of my bed and got onto the floor, crawling underneath the space and trying for my phone that sat far beyond my reach.

I huffed, and wiggled my way farther in.
Grabbing for my phone and sighing when I finally touched it.

However, I knocked it against the wall more and now I had to go further.

My head was pounding as I bit my bottom lip, struggling to just grab the fucking phone.

I heard my room door open, and I pursed my lips surprised. Hoping that wasn't kenma...

"Uh"- I heard kenmas voice and I immediately put my hand to my forehead.
"Are you.. stuck"? He asked.
That made the situation worse and I smacked my lips in response.

"I can't reach my stupid phone". I told him.

Within a few moments, kenma was crawling under the bed with me. However he seemed to get to the back much faster. Grabbing my phone and handing it to me.

I smiled, "thanks".

Looking into his eyes made me nervous, but it was really enjoyable.
Our elbows touched as we sat there side by side under the bed. I was trying to work up the energy to scoot myself out.

"It's kinda nice under here". Kenma said unexpectedly. "Huh? It's just the floor". I said looking at the carpet beneath us. Knowing him- he probably had a million obscure hangout spots.

"Yeah buts it's secluded". He said pushing his hair out his face. He rested his head onto his arms and made me recall how I smelled his jacket all night.

"Hey... your friends seem cool". I said trying to build a conversation for the first time.
Kenma shrugged, "they're fine I guess".
"Kuroo won't shut up about your friend". Kenma told me backing out.

"Wait.. really"? I asked following him.
Ki would lose her mind over this.
No actually- she would die.

When we were both out from underneath the bed, we stood up and I sat down on the edge of my mattress.
Kenma ( again without asking) sat down next to me. Not like I minded.

"What is he saying about her"? I wondered.
"That he wants to see her again". Kenma told me.
"Oh.. well me and Ki are always hanging out down there. I'm sure we could hang out.. together". I proposed.

Kenma rubbed his eyes.
"I mean... I guess". He said with an unenthusiastic tone. Jeez he really keeps to himself.

"Do you have a hair tie"? He suddenly asked me.
...he's just like my sister. Stealing my stuff.
"Yeah over there". I said pointing to my vanity.

He stood up and went to grab one.

Then he lifted his arms and tied his hair into a low and super messy bun. It was honestly attractive how he could look that good.

His jacket lifted up and revealed a toned figure, his body taunting me. And quickly being taken away from my sight as he put his arms back down.

I licked my lips and tried my best not to stare any harder than i already was.

"Hm"- kenma pulled his phone out his pocket and tossed it across the room. I was startled and attempted to catch it, as it fumbled out my hand and onto the sheets.

I picked it up to see his contacts list.

"What-" I said slowly.
"Your number". He replied, looking at my vanity and noticing all the little things I kept on it.

Oh wow-
My stomach is doing flips inside me.

I put my number in and he walked over rather closely to get his phone back.

"I'll let you know when me and my friends decide to do anything". He told me.

I blinked and couldn't suppress the biggest grin from crossing my face.

"Ok- cool". I mumbled unsure of what to say.
I didn't wanna talk too much especially since he wasn't the type to talk a lot.
But I also wanted him to see that I was interested.


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