get in

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I pulled the hood of my black jacket over my head, zipping it up and reaching for the front door handle slowly.

Meiko and kiyoshi were asleep on the couch, holding eachother weirdly..

I quietly twisted the handle, and did my best to open the door with no noise.
Slipping between the crack and pulling it back to the frame.

I exhaled and waited a second- and then I dashed from the porch into the night, down the driveway and up to ki's car where she sat inside smiling with wide eyes.

"Y/n"! She blurted as I opened the door.
The sudden exclamation was a bit much-

I slid inside the car.
It was midnight.
And very dark out.

"Kuroo has been messaging me"! Ki screamed turning down the radio as if I couldn't already hear her good enough.

"Really? What have you been texting about"? I asked curiously. Slightly jealous that kenma hadn't sent me anything..

I mean I'd gotten his number just yesterday morning, but today when kiyoshi came over kenma really didn't bother to show up.

"Here"- Ki said handing me her phone as I squinted at the bright screen. It was their messages from last night.

Kuroo- when can I get my hoodie back?? 😭

Ki- well, we can meet up. And then I can give it to you.

Kuroo- Woah Woah. You don't gotta give it to me. I just want my hoodie back 😉

Ki- woahhh 😳 you're changing my words

Kuroo- I am? I just assumed that's what you meant 🥵

Ki- you're a flirty one...

Kuroo- it's just jokes CHILL

Ki- Mm I don't know if it's all jokes

Kuroo- nah nah cause kenma was the one going crazy

Ki- about?

Kuroo- your friend. He's crushing on her


Kuroo- damn why are we screaming

Kuroo- yeah he usually doesn't let people wear his stuff

Ki- omg they're so cute

Kuroo- not cuter than us though right?

Ki- 🫣idk what...

was I insane?
Kuroo was literally saying that kenma was into me... but he sure doesn't act like it.
I mean I got his number yesterday and he hasn't even texted me.

Kuroo was probably just trying to encourage Ki to give him some romance.


"So- wanna go downtown"? I questioned her.
She smiled wide, "Mhm, and meet kuroo to give this back". She said reaching into her backseat and grabbing his hoodie.
Then she brought it up to her face and smelled it.
"Ahh- it smells like him". She cooed.
"What the hell"- i said side eyeing her and leaning away.

"Kenma already took his back". I sulked putting my head against the window.
"Aw- no fair. Kuroo hasn't been to my house".

Ki pulled forward away from the curb and I squinted as the bright streetlights blinded me. "do you think we should take the boys to ukai's store"? ki asked me. I put my hand to my face, "you know, I think they were the ones ukai was telling us about. the group of guys that came in". 

so far, being in the car with ki it felt like a ordinary night, but as soon as I see kenma I know something weird is gonna happen. its like weirdness follows him, first how we met, then how we saw each other again. plus, who comes into the bathroom while youre showering and draws on the mirror?

                 I reached to turn up the radio so that I could drown out my thoughts, and eventually I just tuned into the music and closed my eyes. 


ki and I had gotten out the car at the top of the parking garage, and when I heard the sound of skateboards hitting the ground my eyes lit up. we walked between cars and towards the sound. "I hope Kuroo plans to make out", ki whispered crossing her arms and smiling creepily. "yeah, well I just hope kenma plans to talk". I responded. he's just so quiet- even if he did like me he would never admit it. 

we approached the group of guys from before, some of them sitting in front of the elevator and a few of them skating. but ki eyed me when she realized neither kuroo or kenma were here. "looking for your boyfriends"? the tall boy lev asked tauntingly, as he came by on his skateboard. 

ki giggled and I rolled my eyes. "where are they"? I questioned embarrassed that I didn't deny them being our 'boyfriends'. "they're sitting in kuroos car cause kenma got a headache". lev answered pointing to the same black car that me and ki changed our wet clothes in. 

"do you...think they mind a few visitors"? ki asked causing the other boys to smile and look at one another. "its just- I have to return this", ki covered holding up kuroos dry black jacket. lev nodded, "just go knock on the window and show him what you brought". 

we walked over to the car and ki tapped on the window like lev had told her, then she peered into the front. "kenmas laying in the back", ki whispered with a grin. I side eyed the back window to see him in there, laying over the seats with his knees up and his hand over his eyes. 

ki finally got kuroos attention and he smiled. "get in"- he silently mouthed through the glass. ki reached for the passenger seat door and eagerly swung it open, getting into the front with Kuroo. whereas I hesitantly opened the back door and caused kenma to stare at me. 

it took a second, but he moved his legs and sat up giving me space to get in next to him. well- the middle seat being empty left a bit of distance between us. 

what now?....

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