Intro: Taste of Heaven

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"You do know that I'm supposed to kill you not serve you, right?"

Han Jisung leans his head back to look at you. Thanks to his wrist being tied behind him, against the chair he was placed in, he couldn't do much but struggle his way around the rope. Unfortunately for him, there was no luck in escaping the grasp of the ruler he was appointed to assassinate.

Walking around his figure very slowly, with an intense sharp stare, the young lady stops in front of his figure and lay a finger under his chin.

Alert, Jisung grips the rope and tries to move again but still no luck.

You chuckle at the sight of his bad luck and smile slyly, a smile Jisung never knew would take an effect on him.

"And you do know that when I tell you I want you to serve me, I will have you do so, right?"

His heart fastens when he feels your fingers glide down his adam's apple.

The hanging light casts a godly glow behind your figure and maybe it was due to the effect you have on him, he swears you looked divinely powerful.

The way your eyes make contact with him in a seductive yet powerful way makes him wish he could push you underneath him and do all the things he can ever imagine. However, the timing for those thoughts isn't currently right.

He groans under his breath as he feels your fingers trace his jawline slowly, bringing up the tension between you two again.

As if the interrogation table between you two is enough to put space between your figures, you pull Jisung by the collar of his neck and crash your lips against his.

His lips met yours and it felt like heaven to you.

Jisung wish he could pull you closer to him and hold you in his arms to taste every part of you but the ropes restricting him were preventing him from doing so.

He tilts his head to get better access. Letting his tongue explore your insides, you savor the taste of his tongue against yours as you deepen the kiss.

The interrogation room tenses with heat as you both show no sign of force for answers but a show to give the others seated behind the unnoticeable glass.

Your smile between the kiss when you realize you have your victim wrapped around your finger.

"You taste like heaven," was the first thing Jisung said the moment you pull away from him.

A smile tugs the corner of your lips and you try your best to hold back a smirk. Jisung's hazy eyes meet your dark gaze again and you tell yourself that he will be yours to keep one day.

"Who said sinners can't bring you heaven? I can even give you a taste of sins if you allow me to show you hell."


Wherein Han Jisung is a trained assassin sent to kill you, the Mafia Queen.

You knew there will be someone sent to kill you but you did not expect it to be an old friend you once held close to your heart.

Who would've known that despite the attraction you both have for each other, fate has its own way of playing with your heart, by bringing Jisung back into your life?

If only you both knew what the history was before you both met then you would not have considered it chemistry when you both fell in love.


Author's notes:

Okay....this might be slightly mature...or let us just be straightforward and say yes, this book will be MATURE.

After a long while, I decided to write another Mafia story again.

For those who do not know, I have a love-and-hate relationship with Mafia concepts.

I love them but they give me hell when I try to write them.

I hope you guys look forward to this!

I pray that this one goes well.

Again thank you so much for the support. I have been on Wattpad for years now and every day it makes my day that some people still read my books and enjoy them.

They are not that good due to grammar issues but thank you so much for reading through what I have created so far.

I appreciate the friends and readers I have made on this platform. thank you so much for allowing me a place to practice my writing and my getaway.

Love you guys as always!

See you soon!

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