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That following night, your men did as they were told. You slept peacefully knowing that despite the Twin's request and treaty you had made, you were going to win every part of their property. However, some higher people were not happy to know that a ruler had discovered their experiments and taken their chance to lay their hands on their creations. Whether they were happy or furious, you'll deal with them later as it seems, you still have something very important to deal with.

Han Jisung slams the portfolio of the drugs your men had retrieved back to you, along with the paperwork and contracts of every worker in the Hwang's secret drug businesses. 

He leans against your polished obsidian desk, while you ignore his presence. Once again, you were shrugging off his nags, something you have grown immune to.

"If you are here to tell me to not do this or that, I'm telling you, Han Jisung," You close the secret safe under your desk and smile, "I am not going to do that because it is obvious enough to me that despite all of the assassin training you've experienced you are still naive."

Jisung, "You don't know what you're doing."

"I do."

"No, you don't."

"Then you tell me, what am I doing wrong?" You grin and Jisung leans closer to your face, an action you don't mind. You'll only tease him by leaning forward more.

"You are going mad by taking everything into your possession without thinking twice if any of this will get the cops or detectives onto your tails. At the end of the day, what is it that you are working for? What are you trying to find?" Jisung explains why you shouldn't be too hasty in your jobs but of course, you knew what he meant but decided to stay quiet.

Jisung huffs, "You can take everything you want...from me...but why? Why do you have to decide to even take the most dangerous things you can find into yours?"

Jisung waited for your reply but you didn't give him any. You let the silence speak for you and Jisung knew it was your way of answering him. He lets his eyes travel away from your intense pair.

He sighs, "I've only been here for a few days but...just watching you makes me worry. I haven't even really seen you kill anybody yet I'm..."

You chuckle, "Relax Jisung, it's just drugs---"

Jisung reverts his gaze to you, "Drugs are bad."

You laugh, stand up from your seat, and walk over to his side where he waits for you to continue, "At this point, I think you're just nagging me on purpose, aren't you?" You cross your arms and Jisung bites his lips to retort but it is partially true. 

You hum at the silence. 

"You're the first person to scold and lecture me, along with nagging but honestly, I'm fine with that." You walk away to the door, "I'd rather you nag at me than have you kill me."

Jisung tensed at the reminder. 

You're right.

He is still on a mission to assassinate you.

Jisung turns away and crosses his arms in defeat. You snicker behind him, as you watch him silently fight himself about his job. 

A knock interrupts the conversation and you creek it open to reveal the person. The purple beauty stands by the doorway with a pleased smile. "My Lady, we've set up everything in the interrogation room already. Should I go ahead and direct somebody to start the interrogation?"

You nod and Karina glances back at Jisung who also glances back at her. 

You noticed the glare coming from the purple beauty and stepped in between the two's locked gaze. Karina blinks back at you and quickly lowers her gaze to the polished floors. You glance over your shoulders to give Jisung the same look but instead of looking away in shame or fear Jisung only shrugs and puts up both hands in confusion. 

The Kiss of Lilith - Han JisungWhere stories live. Discover now