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The sound of the school bell ringing through the academy echoes down the hallway of hasty students as they hurry for dismissal. The afternoon birds can be heard chirping above the school building where they will gather to gossip about the abandoned children. 

The school for the children of the dark stand high and hidden from the public as they quickly usher the daytime students to get off campus for the night students to attend. 

The afternoon closes into the evening as a young man leans his head against the rail of the rooftop. 

Letting the cool breeze tuck away a few strands of his bangs, he hums a soft melody to himself with his eyes close.

The song of crows plays in his ear while he listens to the soft sounds of footsteps made by the leaving students below. The sound of dismissal sounds like heaven to him but he knew he and the children of the dark can not leave. 

The door to the roof opens, "Han?"

The young man turns his head. 

"It's time for you to go ahead first. The abyss is calling for you to be summoned," his friend tells him. 

Han Jisung is a student of the children of the dark academy, a private academy for the performing arts in the daytime but an assassin academy at night. If only the public knew whatever secrets the academy hides behind there, many lives could have been possibly saved. 

Children of the Dark is not the name of the academy, it is a given nickname from the public as it is where lost children stay, the Stray Kids with nowhere to go.

The abyss is the underground training facility. Some call it the basement but Jisung calls it the abyss as it holds many dark secrets with no possible chances of escape when given a task. 

The Lost Star Academy was first built to give homeless children a place to call home and a chance to learn, however, that soon changes the moment a new ruler enters the dark side of the city. A mafia King was announced and suddenly everything in the system changed for the worse.

War begin and blood was shed due to the selfish desires caused by the Mafia King. 

He decided to change the academy system to allow lost kids and orphans the chance to live by training them in weaponry and combat. Thus changing the name and purpose of the academy to something much darker.

Having entered the abyss, Jisung looks around the dark underground place and notices the group training being tied down and held at gun point. He looks away from the ruthless test. He knew what is to be expected of those who does not pass the given test. 

A heavy punishment until you can show perfection. 

Being shot once will be the latter. 

What more can the organization lose? 

Losing one student is better than losing a whole school. 

On occasion, a sacrifice must be made for example, and fear must be inflicted to keep things going.

That is how the dark side plays. 

You play the game you are given and if you live then you go on to the next level but if you lose it'll cost your life. 

You will play to survive. 

"Han," a voice cuts through his thoughts and then he turns. The man smiles, "I have been told you are one of the best in this academy." 

Jisung furrows his brows. He was not amused because he's been told by many. However, the way this stranger is speaking to him, alarms him that whatever he was going to say to Jisung isn't going to be a good idea. 

The Kiss of Lilith - Han JisungWhere stories live. Discover now