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After a long game of truth and temptations, Jisung finally gives in to your orders. Well, not quite, he only agrees to stay by your side but only until you tell him why were you the Mafia queen. 

A couple of days have passed and as much as you would like to shut him up or throw him down the basement to keep him from bothering you, you can't help but hold back your annoyance and anger as he is an exception

The other workers of yours, however, did not agree with the idea of having Han Jisung around when he's a part of the Children of the Dark (also known as the Lost Stars) academy students, trained to kill; meaning it doesn't matter where he came from or who he was, but as long as he is a student there, he will have to die or else it's possible he can dethrone you. 

You shut your eyes, with your head leaning against the palms of your hand, seated in the leather rolling chair of the meeting room. You sigh for the fifteenth time when another one of your men had said that they do not agree with your idea.

"Enough!" Your sudden outburst alerts them and quickly everybody in the meeting room went silent. 

You shot your eyes open. You glance over to your side, "Karina, what's the event for tonight?"

She blinks and hurriedly opens the binder she has with her. 

"You have a contract meeting with the twins." At the mentions of your beloved twins, who you adore. You hum in amusement. 

"Anything else?" You ask. Karina glanced through the binder for more information. 

"I have the contract ready in here for you. Oh and in case they decline the offer, I've already instructed everybody that the Twin Flowers' hidden facilities shall be invaded. Everybody will take the drugs or anything valuable in their facilities and bring it all back to you for inspections." 

You listened to the information and nodded. "Good Job. I approve." You stand up from the rolling chair. Karina bowed with a shy smile at your approval. 

You ruffle her hair nonchalantly, "If anybody has any questions, please do ask Karina. She should know what I need each of you to do when you're out of luck." 

Karina blinks, her lips slightly parted. You turn, ready to leave but she stops you with a tug of your wrist. Startled you look back at her. 

Karina lets go and shifts uncomfortably on her feet. "You're not putting me in charge of leading the oncoming missions are you?"

You look away and shake your head, "I'm still instructing because I am Queen. However, take it as a part of your training." You pat her shoulder and exit the meeting room. The sounds of sighs and relief escape their mouth as they all exchange whispers of disapproval and disbelief. 

Karina follows you out after. 

The purple beauty glance around the hallway. You disappear fast and she hurries down the hallway to find you again. 

You grab the doorknob of your bedroom, ready to go in but you hear Karina's voice again. You glance down the hallway with your arms crossed. The bright color purple and white kisses her figure differently today and you waited for her to speak as she steps closer to you, nervously. 

"Umm, so one last question." You waited for her to continue, "You're not serious about keeping him, are you?"

You drop your arms and tilt your head seriously, Karina quickly adds in, "If you are serious then okay but he's an assassin from that academy, Y/N. I don't think you should trust him, especially during a time like this. Anything can happen any moment, you know?"

The Kiss of Lilith - Han JisungWhere stories live. Discover now