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After arriving at your secret mansion you take off the blazer, seated on your shoulder, and heels. The bottom of your dress flashes the red beauty mark that you have long to remember you still have yet to get rid of. 

You look at it the moment you bent down to discard the heels. 

Little memories of the past play in your mind as you gently rub your thumb over the birthmark. A small smile tugs at the corner of your lips as you recall the familiar voice in your head and the face you have longed to miss over the years of your sudden disappearance. 

His sweet voice repeats the words in your memories and you sigh deeply when reality hits you again. 

"Y/N," someone calls your name and you turn back to look over your shoulder, in annoyance. 

A beauty smiles in a short purple dress that hugs her curve in all the places every man will dream to get a taste of; Leaning over the rails of the mezzanine was the last person you would expect to see on a late night like this, Karina. 

You toss your heels to the side close to her, the moment she reaches the bottom floor. Her feet retreat cautiously at your displeased expression. She carefully bends her knees to pick up the expensive shoes you have tossed to the side in frustration. 

Her jet black hair hung behind her, flowing, as she steps closer to you. 

"Is everything alright, Y/N?" Karina gently caresses your long hair while you remain on the long couch, legs exposed to the gleaming lights of the chandelier above you. Your eyes closed shut while you think deeply to yourself about what is needed to be done, now that you have caught the eighth assassin that month. 

"Lilith's in trouble isn't it?" Your eyes shot open at the mention of Lilith.

You sit up from where you lay and stare deeply into her eye. Karina's eyes widen at what she had said and assume. Quickly, she covers her mouth.

You grab her by the chin hastily without another thought, frightening her, and she gets down on her knees and begs. 

"You will not assume nor curse the name Lilith, you understand?" You stated firmly and she nodded.

You continue, "We are not in trouble..." You look away at the decorations and the sudden silence stirs some questions, Karina looks at you curiously. You were not one to tell her many things for she has no business with you but she still insists you keep her by your side.

"It is I who might be in trouble," You said, "Lilith is not in trouble, I will never let anyone hurt those who are a part of Lilith." 

Lilith...the name of the organization your men serve under. You are their queen which makes you Lilith. However, Lilith was never your name. You are Y/N and Lilith is a name outsider will use to describe you. In the eyes of your enemies, you are known as Lilith but what they don't know is that Lilith was the name of your organization, your family

"Lady Lilith," You glance behind the couch where a handsome young man stands, stars scattered like the night sky across his face, as he greets you with the most sincere smile. 

"Felix, I told you didn't I? I am not Lady Lilith but---"

Felix cuts you off with his gently deep voice tone, "I know my Lady, however, Lilith is a part of you because without you Lilith would have not existed." A smile spread on his face again as he bows politely and you crumble your fist at the inner battle you were still struggling with. 

Karina look between you both and sighs. She ushers you.

"Y/N, I think you should hurry to the interrogation room," said Karina. 

You glance at her as she stands by your side with an assuring smile. Karina squeezes your arm lightly before pushing your figure slightly. 

You look away from the two people and walk away. 

Walking down the stairs to where the dark lingers the most in your mansion, is the basement. You enter the doors to the basement, where you will find your victims cornered with nowhere to run and nowhere to hide, you glance to the side when a man bows to give you a clipboard. 

You gesture your hand to push it aside. Confused, they all exchange glances before proceeding to the witness room. Taking in a deep breath you grab the door knob and walk in. 

The darkness is dominant as the only light activated in the room is the hanging light placed over the interrogation table, where the assassin sits. 

His eyes linger over your figure the moment you enter the room but due to the lighting, he couldn't see you clearly. 

Your dark figure makes its way over to the table and you cross your arms to inspect his reactions but receive none. His attention reverts to the black dress you wore, which distracted him from his task that night. 

You lean forward, over the table, placing both hands on the surface, "I have a list of questions."

"And I have no answers."

You fight the amusing smile that was aching to take over your lip. You glance to the witness room and back at Jisung. 

"Enough with the playing Han Jisung," You grit your teeth and this catches Jisung's attention at the mention of his full name. 

You continue, "I know this is important to you but this is also important to me too. So, why don't you tell me who sent you and what they want from Lilith, and maybe then I'll release you."

Jisung furrows his brows seriously, "I don't like the idea of you releasing me, just for me to come back and kill you, Y/N."

This time you smile, "Neither do I, Han." You wrap your hand around his neck, pulling him closer to you, "but if you don't tell me the truth then I'll have no choice but to kill you because you're disturbing my folks."

Jisung, "How am I the problem here when you can just kill me to solve the problem?"

You, "I need answers, Han." Your index finger taps his cheeks as you wait.

Jisung crumbles his fist at the sight of your uninterested expression, but he knew you were playing with his words to make him tell you. 

"You don't need to know anything, Y/N." His voice slightly cracks when he said your name. 

Your eyes revert from his eyes to his lips and Jisung sighs deeply at the building tension. He's long to find you again but not in this situation. 

You look away the moment you felt the heat rising, shoving Jisung back down on the chair. 

Reality hits him again and he slightly slumps in disappointment. 

You turn your back on him, "Lilith is my people. I made Lilith, so I can not have an assassin like you running around without confessing the truth about who sent you and why."

Jisung knew of Lilith but he never took much interest in the organization or why was it called the name in the first place. He's not even sure for himself if Lilith was the name before a new ruler came and took over. 

A sudden realization occurs to Jisung. 

"Y/N..." he begins, grabbing your whole attention again. "You're not the new ruler...are you?"

Your eyes change, and a sudden change of expression can be seen in them as you take a seat in the chair on the other end of the table. He waits for you, anticipating what he should do and how should he finish his mission. 

Jisung sighs deeply the moment you cross your legs. 

The flash of your legs ignited something within and he knew this was going to be a long night.

The Kiss of Lilith - Han JisungWhere stories live. Discover now