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***WARNING! Sexual Assualt at the near end chapter! Do not read is easily triggered.***

"I need you to go an assist me," you state firmly catching Jisung off guard. He slightly scoffs.

"Why me?"

You stare at him hard. He scratches his neck nervously, "Okay fine but to where? You're not giving me enough information, you know." 

You think again, "Karina will be assisting me in giving out my orders and the important files I have prepared, but you," you smile, tilting your head Jisung kept his cool. "You will be going there to protect me."

Jisung's jaws slightly drop at the request. 

"Please tell me you're joking." 

You shake your head at him. Jisung groan.

"I'm supposed to kill you, not protect you." He reminds you again who knows how many times. You chuckle and nodded innocently.

"And like I said again, I will have you serve me. So if I'm telling you to protect me, you will protect me. Any other objections?"

Jisung, "Plenty."

You, "I know, but I don't care to listen."

Jisung rolls his eyes, "I've never taken you as a demanding person."

You crack a smile, "I guess you learn new things every day."

Jisung tilts his head and smiles at you, with an eyebrow raised. "You're not wrong and I'll be honest...I'm planning to learn every part of you before I kill you, Y/N. I mean literally...everything." He takes a step close to you but you didn't faze as he had hoped. 

Perhaps, Jisung was the only one fazed by your flirty attempts. 

You smile at the disappointment evidenced on his face. This time you step closer to him, instead. Jisung looks back at you, his eyes flickering with curiosity at your actions. You continue to smile as you play with the belt of the robe he still had on. 

Jisung's eyes widen and quickly he backs away. 

"Wha..what do you think you're doing? You said you have expectations of me for tonight's job do you not? Why are you trying to undress me?" He stutters, his eyes scanning the room, ignoring the amused look in your eyes.

You laugh at his panic state. Jisung felt humiliated at the thought of you throwing yourself onto him whenever you feel like it. He almost feels like a toy wrapped in your hold, to do as you please until you no longer want him. 

The thought of it disappoints him but Jisung knew he should not bother with those kinds of thoughts when he clearly has easy access to assassinate you whenever he wants, behind closed doors.

His heart stops as he comes to a solution.

Jisung can just kill you after buying your heart.

His heart sinks at the foolish thoughts again. What has he become, for thinking of such cruel ways to murder you?

A soft warm hand lays on the side of his face, cupping his cheeks, Jisung looks back down at you. The look in his eyes softens and you wonder what he was thinking so hard to make him become so vulnerable suddenly. 

"Are you alright, Jisung?" You ask him warmly in hopes he will not be cold to you and answer truthfully. 

Jisung didn't know why but as much as he would want to mend the broken friendship, you both never noticed was a failed relationship, he can't ever bring himself to mention it. He's afraid he may have been the only one who had seen good things when he was with you. 

The Kiss of Lilith - Han JisungWhere stories live. Discover now