The sounds of clicking noises echo through the cafe as the evening draws closer. The aggressive keyboard smashes can be heard across the back of the internet cafe as a certain young lad smiles in mischievous victory for the night. As the screen turns blue with big words of Victory, the young man stands up happily to end his day before his hourly training calls for him.

It was nighttime which meant business hours were open, in which he hates it.

Checking his area for any belongings, not that he brought any besides his wallet, the young teen quickly tightens the strings of his sweater and fixes his cap. He signs himself out of the internet cafe quickly and steps outside of the building, bumping into a young lady who is drenched in rain.

Han Jisung furrows his brows a the sight of the rain falling and he cringes inside, "Great, no umbrella. It is going to be a long as walk."

"Tell me about it. I look like I just came out from the pool or something."

Jisung chuckled at the stranger's joke and nodded in agreement, "Yeah, not going to lie but you do."

She giggles lightly before taking off her light sweater, squeezing out the excess water from the heavy rain.

"It's storming if you're going to go home, you might as well wait until the storm passes. I doubt you want to walk during the rain like this." Jisung never notices it even when the young lady takes off her sweater until he turns to his side to pick up something, that falls from her pocket, and he realizes she is not in a shirt but a bra.

His face heats up and quickly, he looks away his ears burning red. Having been raised with the majority of men he has yet to remind himself that men and women are different so it startled him when a lady stripped herself in front of him, whether it was by mistake or intentional.

Jisung clears his throat nervously, he hands over her wallet which has a small quokka keychain hanging on it.

"Oh my, I'm sorry. Thank you." She said, taking her belongings away from his hand, Jisung could feel her fingers dancing against the palm of his hand. Jisung swears he can feel the blood rushing up to his face at the sudden contact.

The young lady laughs at his frozen state, "Is something wrong? Did I make you uncomfortable?"

Jisung shakes his head, totally forgetting that he must return to the academy before they find him missing from his training post.

She was about to slip on her shirt again but then instinctively, Jisung took off his jacket and handed it over to her. With her small physic compared to his, Jisung was afraid the smaller girl might catch a cold knowing how frail and fragile she looked in front of him.

Not to mention, his two friends have taught him over the course of years how to be a gentleman even when there's a gun pointed to their head at some time of the day or night, if a woman needs help then he must help them as best as he can.

But this was different. The lady in front of him was a stranger and neither did she need his help but strangely enough, Jisung was willing to hand her his jacket without thinking twice. It must be an instinct like he had thought.

Or was it because she was the first girl he'd ever talked to in person other than the older lady standing behind front desks or in charge of his mission folders and training? Perhaps it was because of the way she talked to him so casually that made him feel a bit at ease that not everybody who talks to him has evil intentions.

It made him feel like he was normal for once.

Although all you did was greet him casually to be careful on a rainy night.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2023 ⏰

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