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Jisung only remembers a couple of years ago, when you both became friends, going to the same internet cafe to play games. You guys met when he needed an escape from the heavy training he was being put in and when you encountered some family difficulties which happens to lead you to the internet cafe

How you and Jisung met in the past was a story of two broken souls finding a home in each other's hearts but due to some unfortunate event, neither one of you can stay for the other, which led you both to where you are now.

A table, with a gun, stands between you both as you have decided to give Jisung the opportunity to play a game with you.

Jisung knew how terrible of a gamer you were despite your enjoyment in them, you have no sense of skills in hitting the right keys and in skill combinations. Albeit you can't play a game worth a shit, Jisung can guarantee that your skills exceed his when it comes to killing and placing a person out of its misery. He'll consider it as a skill balance between you both.

You would much prefer to kill people in games but fail at it miserably; but if you wanted to physically, you can easily do it. As for Jisung, if he wanted to kill someone in-game, he could; but if he wants to do so physically, it'll probably take massive strength and mentality for him to do, despite him having to do so on missions.

In most cases, he only shoots for the warning and possibly for a living, but you...you do it to survive.

"You'll spin this gun and whoever it lands on will have to tell one truth." You raise an eyebrow at his game suggestion.

"And if I don't want to? You do know that this is an easy game of lies, right?" Jisung bites the inside of his cheeks as he thinks.

Jisung, "You will tell me the truth and I will do the same too if it lands on me."

You scoff, "Fine but don't call me a liar if you don't believe me."

Jisung looks into your eyes, and he can sense a sudden look of fear in them. You look away, breaking eye contact when you know he was searching for answers.

You spin the gun in Jisung's stead, due to the restrictions around his wrists, and you watch as his eyes focus on the gun. You tilt your head as you watch his brows furrow in deep thoughts and the way his lips purse when he's thinking of strategies to get out of your turf alive.

You smile to yourself while you watch him move his gaze to yours the moment the gun lands on you. His eyes widen when he meets yours and you remain in contact with him as you lean your head on the palm of your hand, with a soft smile.

Jisung gulps down a nervous lump in his throat.

You begin, "One truth I will tell you is..." Your voice trail off as you carefully move a finger closer to his forehead, to push away a few strands of hair from his eyes. Sensing the nervous wreck he was going through mentally, you chuckle softly at his tense reaction.

You said, "I don't intend on killing you."

One truth, Jisung knew you were going to possibly tell one truth as he had suggested for the game but it wasn't quite the truth nor answer he was looking for.

Jisung waits for you to speak again but you never continue. Instead, you spin the gun again, giving the tied man no choice but to continue with the game.

When it lands on Jisung he quickly speaks, "This game has only six rounds. Speak wisely."

You narrow your eyes at him in displeased but decided to continue, you spin again. A wave of excitement rushes through you as you play the game of truth with Jisung, maybe it was because he has no choice but to talk to you while you do the same, giving you a chance to listen to his honey voice you have not heard for years.

The Kiss of Lilith - Han JisungWhere stories live. Discover now