Help Me Help You

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"I just want everything to be perfect," I sigh for the millionth time as Robin and I stroll through the mall, looking through the windows to try and find the best outfit possible for my date with Eddie tomorrow. Robin chews thoughtfully at her pretzel and nods patiently along to my endless ranting as I go on and on about wanting to look as cute as possible. I know I am being insufferable, but the closer we get to Saturday the greater my nerves grow. I try to remind myself that I've been to the movies with Eddie a bunch of times before, but this time feels so different and my stomach churns at the idea of sitting next to him in the dark theatre. 

"What exactly are you going for?" Robin asks around her food, her pace slow and her bag smacking lazily against her side. 

"I'm not exactly sure and I think that's the problem." I fuss, biting my bottom lip. "I don't really know what Eddie's type is." 

"You," Robin says bluntly, staring me dead in the face. "Are you dense? You are his type." 

"No I mean like the type of clothes he wants a girl to wear," I grumble throwing my hands up in the air. I blush slightly at her comment and I try to disguise it by playing with my hair. 

"I don't think guys really care about that kind of stuff," Robin huffs, annoyed. "Just as long as they can take the clothes off of you at some point." 

I shove her, embarrassed and she chuckles. She wipes her greasy hands off with a napkin and discards it in a nearby trash can. 

"Well, well long time no see," someone calls behind me and I turn. Steve approaches us with a smile, his hands tucked into the pockets of his jeans. 

"The hair!" Robin calls, excitedly, a huge smile on her face and I look between them as they exchange an odd handshake. 

"You two are close?" I ask, gesturing between them with my eyebrow raised. They are definitely an unlikely pair but Robin seems extremely relaxed in Steve's presence which is surprising.

"I guess you can call us friends," Steve says jokingly, tussling Robin's hair and she elbows him in the gut. 

"We work together at the video store," Robin explains, rolling her eyes. 

"What brings you two lovely ladies to Star Court?" Steve asks, crossing his arms over her chest and wagging his eyebrows at us. Robin makes a gagging sound at his flirtatious air and I laugh, shaking my head as we continue to move together through the files of people. 

"Ripley is in dire need of an outfit for a date tomorrow," Robin says. 

"Ah, where is Munson taking you?" Steve questions, tilting his head to look at me. 

"The movies," I answer, looking in the window at a blue sequin top. Steve shakes his head animatedly at my side and I look up at him, perplexed. 

"That top is awful," he says, scrunching up his nose. "Eddie would probably like you in anything, but if you want to impress him that isn't going to do it." 

I cross my arms and look up at him, intrigued. "And what do you suggest oh wise and fashionable one?" I ask sarcastically and Steve rolls his eyes at me. Robin snickers softly beside us, watching happily as we banter back and forth. 

Steve throws his arm over my shoulder and starts to usher me forward, leaning heavily into my side as we move. Robin keeps up with us, grinning. 

"Eddie is a man who appreciates a woman who is confident in her body and isn't afraid to show off some of her assets. Also given his own style, you might want to ditch the pastels and cremes in favor for more... sultry colors." Steve says with a flourish of his arm in front of us. We stop in front of a store that has an all black exterior, loud music playing from inside it. In the window, the mannequin is wearing a leather jacket, lacy tank top, leather pants, spiky dog collar, and huge combat boots. I gulp slightly at the sight and look up at Steve skeptically. 

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