Benny's Burgers

791 37 44

**A/N: This is a pretty dark chapter everyone! I don't usually do warnings before chapters, but this one felt a little necessary. Mature audiences only! Some topics may be triggering!**

It's six in the morning and Steve and I are sitting on the steps of the Sinclair house, impatiently waiting. Will and Dustin tried desperately all night to get in touch with Lucas, even calling Suzie to try to get his direct number. When they finally got the number, another problem arose. Lucas' great aunt, Ember, is extremely paranoid and kept thinking she was being prank called and eventually went so far as to say we were trying to abduct her great nephew. The line eventually was disconnected and was no longer available, probably meaning the elderly woman unplugged her phone. 

Dustin at least got in touch with Erica's friend, Tina, who told him that Erica had mentioned they would be home early this morning, most likely between six and seven. Hence why, Steve and I are stationed outside their door. 

Each passing car makes us tense and turn. The disappointment grows each and every time it isn't the Sinclair's. Steve paces back and forth in the lawn as I sit on their porch steps, my leg bouncing neurotically. It's obvious neither one of us got a wink of sleep last night. Steve didn't even bother combing his hair, the most telling sign of his fear. 

"I genuinely wish I had agreed to just stay home," I whisper under my breath and Steve shakes his head, his hands gripping his walkie talkie firmly. 

"There was no way for us to predict this was going to happen. Jason made threats, but we all hoped he wouldn't be stupid or sick enough to follow through." Steve says, his voice strained. 

"I knew that he was sick enough, Steve," my voice cracks slightly and I clear my throat. "That asshole has been torturing me on almost a daily basis for years and I let my best friend, the love of my life, out of my sight long enough for him to take her. God knows, what the hell he is doing to her and I'm just sitting here!" 

I don't mean to yell at him and I know that he is worried about Chrissy as well, but the desperation I feel is too deep. I feel as though a permanent wound has etched itself on my soul and it will not begin to heal until Ripley is safe. I want so desperately to be in motion, to be on the way to find her rather then sitting like waiting ducks with no answers. I hate to be at his mercy. I hate to imagine what this wasted time means for the girls. 

"I get that you are upset, Eddie, but so am I. We are all worried sick! I understand needing to vent, but please spare us both the self deprecation and self loathing. It won't do anything, but slow us down. We can't go back and change anything so lets just move on with it." 

I open my mouth to protest, but a car comes around the corner and we both freeze. I stand up when I realize it is Lucas' parents' car. I want to run up to them as they slowly drive down the street towards us and pull into the driveway. I can see Sue and Charles Sinclair sharing a cautious look as they park and start to get out. Lucas is already out of the car though and jogging towards us, a huge smile on his face. 

"Hey guys," he calls, his stride slowly as he reaches us. "What are you two doing here?" 

Lucas looks between our faces and his face falls, realizing something grim must have happened. 

"What's wrong?" he questions urgently, his eye wide. 

"Listen," Steve says placing a protective hand on his shoulder. "We don't have time to explain. We need to know where the Tiger's Den is" 

Lucas' eyes dart between the both of us as realization washes over him. His hands tremble slightly as he wipes them down the front of his pants. 

"The abandoned burger joint on Randolph Lane," he says, his voice trembling as well. 

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