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A few weeks have gone by and life has once again returned to somewhat normal. Eddie and I went to our first ultrasound appointment today and baby is healthy. We were able to listen to the heartbeat and we both cried. The nurse excused herself while we blubbered together, looking at the little bean on the screen. She printed out a few copies of the photos she took and I plan to hang mine from my vanity in my room. Eddie has pinned his to his visor in the van. He kisses two fingers and brings them up to the photo each time we get in the car now, smiling softly to himself. 

"Do you care if it's a boy or a girl?" I ask him as we drive back towards the trailer. 

"It doesn't matter either way as long as you both are healthy," Eddie says pursing his lips and shaking his head. "I mean, sure, I've always envisioned myself teaching my son how to play guitar or change a tire, but I can do that with a daughter, too. If she's anything like you, she'll be an absolute badass." 

I laugh at that and I lay my hand over his where he has it resting on my thigh. 

"Do you have any names in mind?" I ask, peeking out the window at the tree line zipping past.

"What about Thrasher?" Eddie asks eagerly and I turn towards him with an eyebrow raised. His smile doesn't waver though and I shake my head. 

"No way," I snort. "Why did I expect a normal answer from you?" 

"That is a normal answer!" Eddie insists defensively and I shake my head. 

"No the heck it's not. Thrasher is not a normal human child name. That's a name for a D&D character or even for a dog." 

"Can we get a dog?" Eddie asks, eagerly. His face lights up and I throw my hands up in the air, laughing. 

"I'm already giving you a baby," I giggle and he pats my thigh apologetically. 

"You're right. You're right. And have I told you yet today how stunning you are?" He questions looking over at me with goo goo eyes. 

"You're on thin ice, Munson," I warn him, but still chuckling. "Seriously, though, what are we going to call this little bean?" 

"How about 'bean' for now and we can keep thinking about a name? It's still really early, love. We have time."  

"You're right. I'm just excited. I wish we knew what we are having already. There is so much to buy and picking out a name just makes everything come into perspective." 

"I would think having that ultrasound thing showed up your who-ha would be plenty perceptive. Seriously, how can a guy ever compete with that." 

I laugh loudly at that and shake my head. "It doesn't feel good. It's actually really uncomfortable and there is a lot of pressure. You wouldn't like it if you tried it." 

"You took it like a fucking, champ," he sighs, shaking his head. "I thought I was going to cry for you at the sight of that thing." 

"Thank you for your concern, handsome," I laugh, leaning over to kiss his cheek as he pulls up in front of the trailer and parks. "I have a feeling there is going to be a lot going on downstairs for the next nine months that isn't going to be very pleasant." 

"Well then, I've just got to make my time down there the most amazing you've ever had," he says with a smirk as he helps me down from the van. He closes the passenger door and slowly backs me up until my back is pressed firmly against it. I lean my head back and look way up at him, his head haloed by sunlight. 

"You look like an angel like this," I laugh as the sunlight dances on his dark hair and makes it look more chestnut brown then nearly black. 

"Yea, maybe of the fallen variety," he snorts and I shake my head. He holds his hands up to the side of his head as devil horns and makes a silly face, sticking his tongue out and I giggle loudly. He nuzzles his face deep into my neck, at first nipping at me before starting to kiss and suck at the sensitive skin. I sigh heavily into him, leaning my full weight forward and I can feel him smile against my lips. 

Believe It Or Not (An Eddie Munson Story)Where stories live. Discover now