Chapter 6

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I had two days left with Connor Carmichael.

He was taking a nap in the late morning. The nice weather was replaced with springtime rain. Maggie was in the kitchen fussing, getting ready for lunch.

Now or never.

I snuck down the hall quietly and pushed open the familiar office door. The recording device felt heavier than ever in my hand. I followed Pavel's instructions and put the thing hidden under one of Connor's desk drawers, praying he never found it. And if he did, he'd never know it was me.

After making sure the thing was secure, I tiptoed out, shutting the door silently behind me. As if I'd never been there.

I moseyed back to the kitchen and sat down to continue my book.

Maggie was none the wiser.

"Did you have a nice Easter, Maggie?" I asked her.



I had visited my dad the day before for Easter. We weren't ever religious people. But my mom always had her traditions. We used to color eggs, eat candy, and she'd make a ham with all the fun side dishes.

After she died, it was just my dad and me.

We would just have a nice dinner, maybe share some chocolate.

Holidays weren't much when you didn't have family.

"Saw my niece and nephew," Maggie finally said, breaking my thoughts. I grinned. Had she formed a full sentence for me?

"What are their names?" I smiled.

"Henry and Charlotte."

To my utter surprise, Maggie came over. She dug in her pocket, pulling out an old-fashioned flip cell phone. She showed off a few grainy photos of her pre-teen niece and nephew. They were sweet looking kids. I could tell by the way she showed the photos with pride that she loved them very much.

"That's so nice. Did you have dinner together?"

She nodded, a ghost of a smile coming over her face.

"That's nice," I whispered.

"You celebrate?" Maggie asked, turning back to her pot of soup over the stove.

"Oh me?" I shook my head, swallowing back my sadness. "No."

She didn't ask anything more.

"Smells good," Connor said quietly from the doorway. I jumped.

How long had he been there?

I looked back down at my book, pretending to be very interested in it.

"Carrot bisque. Will be ready in a bit," Maggie said simply.

"Ah," Connor didn't sound too enthused.

"Did you have a nice Easter, Connor?" I asked. We'd barely spoken all day.

He shrugged, "I went to my sister's family party."

"The Murphys?" I asked.

He paused and gave me a look, "Yes."

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