Chapter 3

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"Today's the day!" I said brightly. Connor was already dressed and up when I walked into his room at 8am sharp with a box of homemade Blini. He eyed them suspiciously. I shook the box. "For you! As promised."

He reached in and took a bite, nodding thoughtfully, "Those are good."

"Told you."

"You Russian?" he asked curiously.

"My mom's side," I nodded, "Dad's Puerto Rican."

"Hmm," he nodded as he chewed, "very good."

"They're yours!" I said brightly. "You ready to walk?"

"Never more."

We followed the recovery plan and took it easy at first. Connor wanted to walk outside, which annoyed me because it was still cold and gross out. We bundled up and he walked steadily, if not a bit slowly around the grounds. The backyard...if you could even call it a yard...was beautiful. Huge, rolling green acres. The place was massive.

I had my hands shoved in my coat pockets, my fuzzy pink hat keeping me warm from the wind. Connor looked like he was in a bit of pain, as he winced. We'd been walking for almost a half hour before calling it.

"Hey, that's impressive," I told him, as we made our way back inside.

He ignored me and started barking orders at Maggie.

"Get Rowan and Dillon here, get Finn Murphy on the phone."

"Hey," I protested, frowning, "you still need rest!"

"I'm fine," Connor didn't look at me as he got out his phone and started tapping away at the keypad.

"You don't want to push it on your first day back on your feet. The recovery plan says..."

"Fuck the recovery plan!" Connor threw his hands up angrily. "I've been on my ass for a month. I'm done."

"But, Mr. Carmichael, if you don't follow the plan, as your doctor recommended-"

"Fuck the doctor, too!"

I frowned, "Well I recommend it! Are you going to tell me to fuck off too?" I snapped.

He frowned back but didn't say anything. I crossed my arms.

"Go lay down and your friends can come over later."

"Friends," he chuckled, shaking his head. "This is for work."

"I don't care. Lay. Down."

He approached me like he was ready to fight, but he only lingered for a second before whipping past me towards the staircase. I let out a long breath of relief.

Maggie was staring at me, her cool gray eyes assessing.

I made Connor some tea. A peace offering. When I came upstairs to deliver it, he was on his phone, talking in a hushed, commanding voice. He motioned for me to come in. I closed the door quietly behind me and put the tea down on the table next to him.

He finally hung up and looked at me, "What now?"

I couldn't help but laugh. "I'm not your enemy, Mr. Carmichael."

"You're still wearing that ridiculous hat," he snapped.

I rolled my eyes and shoved the pink hat off my head, "God, you are in a MOOD today! I thought you'd be happy!"

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