Chapter 16

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"How about you bring me your favorite drink?"

I look down at the guy with patchy facial hair as he runs his palm up my thigh. My tray is empty and I consider for a very brief moment knocking him across the head with it. Would that be enough to kill him? Maim him, a little? I think about Connor teaching me self-defense. How he trained me to always out-smart your opponent as opposed to out-body them.

This guy was three sheets to the wind. I could take him.

I think about it. I seriously do.

"How about I call you a cab?" I ask instead. The man huffs a laugh.

"You're fiery. I like that."

I roll my eyes. What a generic statement. Everyone calls redheads fiery. It's so cliché. His friend slips me a fifty and changes the subject, asking for two beers. They don't need anymore drinks, but I'll take the money and get the fuck out. I have no shame in that.

I head to the bar and put the orders in. Tonight, I'm wearing this monstrosity I borrowed from Daphne. It's essentially a black negligee masquerading as an actual dress. It's short, showing off my legs, and it's lowcut, showing off my tits. I'm not above dressing for the part to get some extra money, but Daphne is a lot thinner than me and I feel slightly like a sausage roll, threatening to burst at any moment.

Still no word from Connor since I stormed into the manor last night. I would have to formulate a new plan.

The only other option I could think of was getting close to Brenna.

I liked Brenna a lot. It's not like I would be faking anything. I knew I shouldn't though, I knew he'd be furious. But eventually, if Brenna and I got close and hung out, our paths would cross. He'd have to see me and talk to me.

I wasn't afraid of him.

He bought Haven. For my dad. For me.

That had to mean something.

"Order's up," the new bartender grins at me, placing the drinks on my tray. I thank him and head back to the floor to deliver the drunk fools their beverages.

"How much for a dance from YOU, Jessica Rabbit?" A drunk guy asks as I'm taking orders at the table next to him. A bachelor party. Great. My favorite.

I ignore them and continue along taking orders.

Daphne is working the floor. But in a very different way. She's an artist of her craft. She doesn't have to circulate the floor like a shark looking for cash. Daphne has her regulars. They're older, and rich, and charismatic. She's sitting casually on one man's lap as they smoke cigars together. She's laughing at something his friend says.

I smile. If there is one thing about my best friend, it's that she knows how to make a killing each and every night. She can work a room.

I'd never be good at that sort of thing.

The truth was – I was thinking more and more about going back to school. I had more money now. I didn't have to work this job anymore, not really. With Connor mysteriously paying off my student loans and my father's fees for the next DECADE, I had a lot of spare cash. Not to mention the twenty thousand that still remained locked in my safe back at home. I didn't want to use that tough. He was already giving me too much. And I couldn't even get in contact with the damn idiot.

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