Chapter 8

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"Do you play chess?" I asked Patrick the next afternoon. We were sitting on the back patio overlooking the forest-y wilderness.

"Hmm," Patrick made a noise as he scanned his phone. Frank was standing off to the side, smoking a cigarette while also on his phone.

I rolled my eyes.

"I noticed there was a chessboard in there..." I motioned back to the living room.


Another non-response. I sighed loudly and leaned back, taking in the wilderness. I'd brought a book out with me for my 'fresh air' time today but had only managed to read a few pages. I was too overstimulated.

"I like chess," I mused.

No response this time.

"I'm not very good at it though," I added.

Still nothing.

"I'm self-taught," I informed them. "So...not very good."

"At least you admit it," Patrick said, a ghost of a smile on his lips as he looked at his phone.

"Want to play for money?" I grinned. "I mean, I don't have any money. But I can pay you back."

He rolled his eyes.

"Or chocolate. We could play for chocolate. I think I saw some little Hershey bars in there." They hadn't been there the day before. I wondered if Connor maybe, just maybe, sent someone to get them.

"I don't want to play chess, Ms. Morales."

I huffed, looking up at the sky.

It was a nice day.

Cool but not cold. Warm but not hot. A slight breeze.

"How long do you all have to hide out here?" I asked.

This was probably the wrong question. They both looked at me.


It was sort of my fault they had to be here.

I winced, "I am sorry."

Patrick rolled his eyes. Frank just lightly chuckled.

"You're the strangest girl I've ever met," Frank noted.

"Thank you?"

I attempted to read the book again. I'd grabbed one of the romances. They were kind of fun, admittedly. I recognized a few of the authors. I wondered where the hell they'd gotten these. Connor must have arranged it. Only he knew my affinity for both romance novels and medical journals.

I just found it all fascinating.

Maggie opened the back door, "Lunch," she said simply.

Patrick and Frank led me inside. Maggie had some sort of meat stew for lunch. It smelled good. Really good. I licked my lips as she placed a bowl in front of me with some hard bread.

"This looks great, Maggie. Thank you."

The old woman gave me one of her signature looks of disdain.

I rolled my eyes and took a big bite.

"What is this?" I asked curiously.

"Venison," a dark voice greeted from the entryway. I all but jumped out of my skin as Connor made his way into the kitchen, his eyes watching me as my hand froze halfway to my mouth.

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