Chapter 29

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"Are you ready babe? I can't believe our wedding day is in 2 days. We finally finished planning everything and all of the invitations are sent out." Chris said closing the folder.

"I know, I'm so excited! It will definetely be a night to remember for the rest of our lives." I smiled leaning over to him giving him a soft kiss. "Are you gonna keep this beard on?" I asked scratching it with the tip of my fingers. "Nah, I wanna get rid of it." He said turning his cap backwards so he could see my face better. "Awh, why? I'm gonna miss it." I said pulling on it. "It's gotta go, I wanna look clean on my wedding day babe. Not like a bear." I ignored his answer, "But it looks so sexy on you. It also feels so damn good when you go do-"
"Ah! Let's not get into details when my mom is around." He whispered as he covers my mouth and giggles. "What was that hon?" Lisa called out from the kitchen. "Uh, nothing mom!" Chris yelled back. "Look what you did!" He playfully slapped my arm. "Ow! Don't hit me." I said pretending that it hurt. "You wanna go?" He said giving me a serious look. I crawled closer to him and whispered in his ear, "Go where daddy?"

"Mmm, I love it when you call me that." He growled picking me up running up the stairs to his old room.


We only had 3 days left and I was stressing out. What if things don't go as I have planned? What if the deocrations aren't in place? Are all of my friends and family invited? Did they get the card? All of these questions are running through my head. I was currently sitting in my mom's house sighing and feeling tired. She noticed and came and sat down next to me. "What's wrong honey?" She asked. "Mom, I am so stressed out about this wedding. What if something wrong happens and my everything is ruined?" I weeped into her shoulder. "Oh honey, everything is going to turn out perfect, you're thinking too much about it. Just let everuthing fall into place." She rubbed my back to get me to calm down. I looked at her in the eyes, "You're right. It's just that, I'm so shocked that I get to marry Chris, I finally get to start a family. It's shocking that I'm going to be married to a handsome man. It's just like we were two little kids playing in our backyard yesterday. Time has passed by so quickly." She hugged me, "I know, I can't believe my little girl is all grown up, she finally found a man who can protect her. You and Chris have both grown up so fast. He was such a cute little boy." My mom laughed.


I got home and Chris was passed out on the couch with his sneakers on, and he looked like he had just got back from a meeting or something. Poor baby, he told me that he had to get up at 5 in the morning. It was a meeting for Cap 3. I decided to let him sleep, so I walked over and gave him a kiss on the lips and went to go clean up the house then take a shower. As I was cleaning our master bedroom, I kept finding his socks and clothing everywhere. "Ugh, there's clothes everywhere!" I mumbled to myself. "Mmm, loving the view." I heard Chris say from behind me. I was wearing some yoga pants and one of his big t-shirts. "Stop looking at my ass." I chuckled as I walked over to him. I got up on my tippy toes and gave him a soft kiss on the lips, "How was your nap? I know that you're very tired." He wrapped his arms around my body and brought my close to his body. "It was nice actually. I got some energy back and now I feel better. The meeting was whack, I wasn't even paying attention to anything. My boss is going to kill me." He groaned as he let go of me and walked over to the bed and falling face down first into it. "You meatball! Now your going to be complaining how you are so behind!" I said smacking his ass. "What?!" He mumbled into the pillow.
I plopped down next to him and he turned his body facing me. He rested his head on his hand looking at me and smiling. "What?" I asked sweetly. "Nothing." He said as he felt my cheek with his thumb. "How many kids do you want?" He asked. I could tell that he was serious about this because of the tone of his voice. "I don't know Chris, maybe 2 for now. I've always wanted twins." I said grabbing his hand and interlocking our fingers. He hummed, "Sounds nice. I want them to be boys." I laughed, "Of course you do. If I do have boys, I want them to look like their father. Bright beautiful big blue eyes." He smiled and pulled me closer to him. "What you said right there, was so cute. Are you ready for the big day? I'm so glad everything is all set up and ready to go." He said kissing me on the lips. I sighed, "I'm ready."
*the day of the wedding*

"Oh my god. Oh my god." I yelled. "Guys help! The dress won't button up!" My friend yelled from behind. "What? How?! The dress has to button up! Oh my god, mom! Lisa!!" I yelled. "Okay, I am freaking out, things can't just go wrong! I swear, I thought I got the right size!!" I yelled panicking. My mom and Lisa quickly rushed up behind me and zipped it up. "There." They both said. "Whoo! I thought my dress was going to burst!"

"Hon, I thought you got the right size!" Lisa exclaimed. "I thought I did too! But it's okay, the dress is on." I said as I came off of the step. "I just want to say thank you to all of you ladies who had helped me get everything ready today. Let's go have a blast tonight!" I yelled. "Whooo!" All the girls cheered. I walked out of the door and Scott was standing at the corner. "Ready?" He asked sticking out his arm for me to hook my arm around it. "Yes." I smiled. He was going to be the one who would walk me down the aisle. Everyone made it out to the large green yard. I saw my mom and Lisa sitting together with the rest our family. I looked up and there he was.
The next chapter will probably be longer than the usual ones.
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