Chapter 23

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After the plane ride, I called my mother to come pick me up because I didn't have my car. My second call, I gave Sebatian's home phone a ring to leave a message saying that I was moving out and to make it clear that we are going to get a divorce.

Okay, honestly, I hate how he had to keep everything from me. I mean, I told him about Chris, but he didn't seem to get protective about that. Ugh, I really did love him to be honest. But now, I lost his trust, and sooner or later, he's going to lose mine. But it's alright, I don't really care anymore. He has someone else, and I have someone I love. I don't really know what my relationship with Chris is. Are we together? Or....

Standing there in my deep thoughts, I heard two quick honks. I looked up and it was my mom. She waved at me and went out of her car to help me with my bags. "Hi honey! How was the trip?" She said as she lifted my bag into the trunk. "It was okay, I saw Chris." I said as I closed the truk after her. "Well, what happened? How's Sebastian?" She said getting into the car. I got into the passenger seat and told her the WHOLE story.


"So are you guys getting a divorce? For sure?" She questioned keeping her eyes on the road. "Sadly, yes mom. I'm sorry, I know that you really loved him. But he wasn't too true about things to me. And I "guess" I wasn't too true to him either." I said making quotes in the air. "Things didn't work out between the two of us and I think it's best for us to split." I said. "Well honey, if it makes you happy. I'm not here to stop you. "So does that mean you're getting back with Chris?" She asked pulling up to the driveway of my house. "I don't know yet mom, he hasn't really said anything, and he knows that I don't really feel like talking about it. But hopefully when he comes back home from filming, he'll bring that topic up." I said getting out of the car to retrieve my bags. "Thanks mom, for everything." I said hugging her. "No problem honey, I love you. Do you need me to help you pack?" She said pulling away from the hug closing the trunk. "Um, no I got it. But I'll be back home in a couple of hours." I said. "Sure sure, I'll be home, won't be going anywhere." She replied. "Okay, bye mom."

"Bye sweetie." She waved and left.

I walked in the house running up the stairs and going into my closet pulling out all my bags. "Fuck this place." I whispered. I threw all my clothes into my luggages and closed them.

In the meanwhile, I got a text from Chris.

C: Hey! Get there safely? ;)

A: Yeah, haha thanks for asking. Are you sill filming?

C: Yeah, just on a ten minute break. Do you know what I need right now?

A: Oh goody! What is that mister?

C: You. It hasn't even been a whole day and I miss you already. Is that a bad thing? ;(

A: Awh baby, no it's not because I feel the same way.
I giggled, he's so needy, and I find it so adorable.

C: I love that you do. Well babe, I gotta go, my boss is yellin at me. Talk to you later love.

A: Okay, have fun! Love you.

Alright guys, sorry for the short chapters lately, but don't worry, the next few chapters will be better! But I'll be fast forwarding a little bit. So yeahh...

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