Chapter 30

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I stood at the altar, the only thing in between us was the bouquet of white flowers I held in my hand. We looked into each other's eyes, waiting for the priest to say his words. Oh how I wanted for this guy to say 'kiss the bride' already. I need to feel his soft plump lips on mine. I need to have his last name already. I need him. My tolerance was running low, but I knew that this intimate moment would be a once in a lifetime opportunity that I needed to cherish more than anything.
"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today in the sight of God to join together this Man and this Woman in Holy Matrimony. The rings please." The priest handed the rings to us, I got Chris' ring and he got mine. I hadn't been more nervous in my life.
"Your vows." The Priest said with a small smile. I swallowed hard and gave Chris a nervous look.
"Chris.. I've loved you since the days I laid eyes on you. Words can't even begin to fathom how much I love you and care for you. When I saw you, I knew that you were the one. We've been through some hard times but we were able to get through them because we've faced them together. And here we are today, about to get married. I honestly never expected this.. but I'm so glad that this moment is happening. Because there's no one else I would want to have this moment with except you. You're the one baby.. and you'll always be my number one.. I love you so much.." My voice broke a bit at my last words. Tears were welling up in my eyes but i held it in so my make up wouldn't smudge. I just smiled at him, pretending we were the only two people in the room.
"Christopher." The Priest looked over to him. Chris smiled and took one of my hands in his.
"Analyn.. first of all let me say you look so beautiful today. You look beautiful no matter what.. but seeing you in a wedding dress makes it all the more better.. Because this marks the day where you're officially mine. It wasn't easy at first, but you saved my life. And I'll never be able to thank you enough for it. You were there when I lost everything..when I had nothing.. words can't explain how blessed and thankful I feel that you walked into my life when I needed you most. I came, I saw, and I conquered.. And I conquered you. Words can't explain what I feel for you. I love you so much baby.." He couldn't help but bring his hand up to stroke my cheek for a moment. I was on the verge of tears but I held back as much as possible, smiling at him and feeling so loved and cared for.
"Christopher Robert Evans, do you take Analyn Mary Nguyen to be your wedded wife, to live together in marriage? Do you promise to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health, and forsaking all others, be faithful only to her, for as long as you both shall live?"
"I do." he slipped the ring on my finger slowly. It was beautiful. I knew from that moment on that I would never take it off.
"Analyn Mary Nguyen do you take Christopher Robert Evans to be your wedded husband to live together in marriage? Do you promise to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health and forsaking all others, be faithful only to him so long as you both shall live?"
"I do." I said and slipped the ring on his finger. Taking a hold of his hand.
"By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you Husband and Wife. Kiss the bride!" Everyone got up and started clapping and screaming for us. Chris pulled me in for a passionate kiss, my hands going around his neck and his on my waist. I felt love, lust, and passion. I was officially Mrs.Evans. I smiled into the kiss, never wanting this moment to end.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, Mr and Mrs Evans!" The priest said before smiling and walking down from the altar. Chris pulled away and rested his forehead on his. Our breaths heavy.
"We did it baby." he whispered as he caressed my cheeks in his hands. "We did it." I whispered back giving him a quick kiss. He grabbed my hand and we walked down the aisle. Everyone turned their bodies watching us as we go. There were photographers standing at the end, capturing this kodak moment of us. And this was the moment, where my life is complete. Our life is complete.



Chris has decided to take us to the Bahamas. I have never been there before, and I can't wait to see it. "Are you excited babe?" He asked taking a sip of his beer. "Yes, oh my god, I can't wait any longer! I wanna go to the beach and get a nice tan! Spend time with you, it will be such an adventure. Especially, since this is our first trip we had ever made together." I said snuggling into his chest. We were on the plane for a couple of hours now. "I can't wait to get to the damn hotel and f*ck you senseless until you can't take it anymore." He whispered biting onto the corner of my ear. "Christopher!!!" I hissed, hitting him on his arm. "God, just thinking about it makes me want to fuck you right now." He growled. "Chris stop it! You are so dirty!" I giggled, he was making me blush. "We will be landing in 15 minutes." The flight intendent announced. "I can't wait!" I exclaimed. "Jeez babe." Chris laughed. I felt the plane land and so I looked out the window. 'We're here!" I said looking at him excitedly. "Yes!!! Next stop, is the hotel." He looked at me, and wiggled his eyebrows. "You are such a dork." I laughed. We finally got a cab and took it to the 5 star hotel. Chris paid him and we took our bags and walked into the lobby. Chris was wearing his cap down low because he didn't want anyone to notice him. "Um hi, I made a reservation under the name 'Evans'." He spoke to the lady at the front desk. He paid the fee and thanked her. We waited for her to go get the keys. I could see that she was trying to flirt with him by the way she was looking at him. "Here you go!" She said winking at Chris. Oh hell no, is this bitch trying to hit on my husband? "Ready to go baby?" I asked, I wrapped my arms around his neck and brought him in for a hard passionate kiss. I pulled away and gave her the death stare. That's right, he's mine. She rolled her eyes and scoffed. "Uhh, yeah. Come on." He grabbed his luggage and so did I. We walked to the elevator and pressed the 'up' button. He pressed the button to go up to the 7th floor. Luckily there was no one else in the elevator because as soon as the doors shut, he pushed me against the wall and I wrapped my legs around his slim waist. We kissed each other like we were mad, with so much energy. "Oh god baby, I want you so bad." I moaned. "I've been waiting for this the whole trip." He growled. The elevator bell dinged and we literally ran to go find our room. He slid the card and I shut the door. We threw our belongings onto the ground and we ripped each other's clothes off. I crawled onto the bed and he climbed ontop. "Let's go." He whispered. He entered me and I screamed. He started ramming into me, his hips were moving so fast. The only sound that was heard was skin hitting skin, and our grunts and screams and moans. His face was buried in my neck and I was literally crying out his name. "Oh god baby. Right there." I screamed as I scratched his back. "Ohh f*ck jesus!" He grunted. I was basically just a ragdoll be plowed into from below. His thrusts were starting to get messy and that was when I knew that he was about to come. "Are you coming? Baby?" I whined as I lifted his head up. "F*ck, yeah I am."
We flipped over and I rode him until our orgasms had came. "Chris! F*cking sh*t!" I screamed as mine came. I came so hard that i was trembling. He had his eyes closed and he was making the most sexiest moans ever. He had his hands on my hips and he was f*cking me hard. I felt him shoot inside me and get soft. I fell ontop of him and we were both breathing hard. "Holy f*ck." I breathed out closing my eyes. He slapped my ass, "That was amazing, Analyn. And oh, we are barely getting started baby."
He woke up an hour later looking for me.

"Analyn?" He yelled as he walked out of the bedroom.

"Hey! Finally you wake up! Come here, I have something to tell you." I said patting the couch.


"Yes? What's up?" He smiled.

"On our wedding day, I was having so much trouble zipping up my wedding dress, and..."

"And what?" He questioned. He looked so confused.

"I'm pregnant."

"Y-you're pregnant? That means, YOU HAVE A LITTLE BOY IN THERE?! THIS IS AMAZING I CAN'T BELIEVE IT BABY! We are having a baby!" He yelled on the top of his lungs. I was laughing so hard at his goofiness. But, I'm having a baby with this adorable meatball of a husband. I jumped up and hugged him wrapping my legs around his waist as he spun me around.
The rest of our honeymoon was consisted with a lot of sex, and going to the beach. Just spending our time together and having a great time. I'm so glad to have him in my life. He completes me, and I know that I complete him.

I guess that pretty much wraps up the end of this book. Hope you guys have enjoyed it!

I just wanna give credits to my best friend Amanda for writing the scene of them saying their Vows. I just couldn't finish this chapter with out her. Love you Amanda. <3

Stay tuned for the next book. 😈😉

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