Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

I brought the baggie up to my face, eyeing it disgustingly. How could somebody be doing this? I know that his father's death is really taking a toll on him, but that doesn't mean he should drown his sorrows in something that has no good of an outcome. I would have never believe that Chris was the type of person who would expose himself of doing this. I put the baggie into my pocket so Chris wouldn't get suspicious of why I was taking so long. I went out and sat down on the couch. "Is there something wrong Chris?" I asked. "Uh, yeah everything is fine. Why?" He replied. "Then explain this." I say taking the baggie out of my pocket and throwing it hard against his chest. He caught and looked at me wide-eyed as if he knew shit just hit the fan.

"Uh, I-I can explain." He stuttered setting the bag down on the table in front of him. "You know what Chris, I don't even wanna hear it, after all that we've been through, I have loved you with all my heart and you just act like this? That's it I'm leaving. Just call me when you have something reasonable to say." I spat at him. "Wait, Analyn, I'm sorry, please don't leave." He begged. I ignored what he said, opening the door and slammed it. As I was walking to my car I started crying. I need a drink I thought to myself. I buckled up and started speeding down the highway looking for the nearest bar. I walked in and sat on the stool in front of a bartender.

"One red label on the rocks please." The bartender nodded and went to go make my drink. He came back handing the drink with a napkin on the bottom. "Something on your mind?" He asked. "I don't want to talk about." I said taking a sip of my drink. "Alrighty then." The bartender walking leaving me alone. I was in the middle of drinking my drink when I noticed a guy approaching me. He sat down on a chair next to me and ordered, "I'll have what the lady is having." I took a glance at him and noticed that he was pretty cute. Oh no, I shouldn't be doing this. I just had a fight with my boyfriend and shouldn't be thinking about other guys right now.

He looks at me, "Hey. My name is Sebastian but you can call me Sebby." I turned my attention to him, "Oh hey, my name is Analyn." I replied trying to crack a smile. "So what is a lovely lady like you doing at a bar by yourself this late at night?" He asked smiling at me. "Oh, are you trying to hit on me?" I replied now turning my whole body towards him. "Maybe, what do you think?" He said downing his drink. "Well sounds to me that you are." I said. I raised my hand trying to get the bartender's attention. I really need another drink. The bartender came, "What's up?" "Give me your strongest drink, and keep them coming, Cause I'm gonna need it." "Sure thing!" He walked away and started whipping up the drinks.

"Boy, something bad must of happened if you're going to take that many drinks." He said eyeing me. I scoffed, "You ain't kidding." A few hours into the night, I was gone and everything started getting crazy, because it felt like as if I knew Sebastian for forever. I got up and tried walking to the bathroom. I got a little wobbly and almost fell but Sebastian was quick enough to catch me. "Woah there." He said as he caught me from behind, "Need some help getting somewhere?" He asked looking into my eyes. "Actually." I paused for a sec, "Yeah I do." I said slurring my words and adding in a little laugh. "Sure, where do you need to go?"

He asked bringing my arm over his shoulder and hooking his other arm around my waist for support. "The ladies room please." I said resting my head on his shoulder. He walked me to the bathroom and let me go do my business. I came back out and wrapped my arms around him for support. "Let's get out of here." I giggled slipping on my coat. "Where could we possibly go?" He said giggling back. "Well, I was thinking about your place."

He smirks at me and tips the bartender, grabbing my hand and walking us to his car. He opens the door for me and I slowly get into the passenger seat trying not to hit my head on the car as I get in. He quickly runs to the other side and turns on the car. The car ride was probably ten minutes or so. On the way there, I felt my head start to pound. Shit, I'm going to have a huge hangover tomorrow. When we got to his house, he unlocked the door and let me inside first. After I walked in, he tailed behind me closing the door and locking it. I turned him around and kissed him, gently pushing him up against the door. I pulled away and he looked stunned.

He smiled and leaned in turning this into a hot make out session. He slowly backed us up into a tall shelf knocking over some picture frames. "Oops." He giggled, I unzipped his jacket and pulled off his shirt. He pulled away and looked at me in the eyes. Slowly, he unbuttoned my blouse and when he got to the last button, he winked at me and carried me to his bedroom. The rest was history.


Sorry for the short chapters lately.

Atleast you get something! My grade in chemistry is currently down. I have a D+, so I'm trying to get that up. I need to get focused!

2 updates in 2 days!

You guys better thank @downeyobsessed she practically help me on this whole thing.

Comment and vote!

I need some feedback please!

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