First Day (💞+🐱)

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This takes place in Equestria. It's Twilight's first day as Queen and she is nervous. But fear not! Unikitty comes in to save the day!

"I can't do it!!" yelled Twilight, her sudden outburst caused her crown to topple off her head. "I'm going to be a terrible queen..." she cried as she stared onto Equestria. "What makes ya say that? You're the best princess I know! Those other princesses seem to do nothing but wave and smile" joked Unikitty who quickly shut up afterwards because of Twilight's glare. Nobody calls the princesses 'useless'. "If you're trying to cheer me up then just give up. It's not working..." Twilight stared sadly at the royal guards who were doing their daily patrol around the kingdom.

Unikitty flew onto the balcony and sat next to Twilight. "Hey, don't be sad. Let's stay positive. You will be a great queen" Unikitty reassured. Twilight still seemed unconvinced so she tried another tactic. She moved in front of Twilight and gave her a wide smile, Twilight gave her a confused look. "Are you making fun of me?" she asked in disbelief. "What?! No! I'm showing you how I smile for my kingdom" She then smiled again. "This is the smile I smile and this is the pose I pose" She emphasised the 'pose' as she posed in front of Twilight. "Now you try!"

Twilight was hesitant but gave it a go. She had both her head and chest up high and her hooves pushed her body forward. "Uhh, like this?" she asked, Unikitty stared for a moment. "Try relaxing abit" Twilight then relaxed her body, "Ok! Now we're getting somewhere. Now smile!" she said, Twilight gave the widest smile she'd ever given. "Eeeuuuu ok... try smiling like how you usually smile when you see your friends!" Unikitty said, Twilight then gave her signature smile. "Perfect! See, you're doing great!" cheered Unikitty, "I guess I am". Twilight felt better now, she felt more confident with the pose she learnt from Unikitty.

"Do you think I should spread my wings out when I speak?" asked Twilight as she posed and spread her wings out. "Uhh I don't know, but it does make you look like that white princess!" Unikitty laughed. "You mean Princess Celestia?" asked Twilight, "Yeah! I'd be funny if you do that" giggled Unikitty. Twilight thought about it but then laughed. It was true, whenever Princess Celestia spoke, she would most likely spread her wings. Probably to show her authority over her kingdom.

"Ooop! Look at that! The sun is rising, I should get back to my kingdom" said Unikity as she hopped onto the balcony railings. "Oh alright, thank you so much. You were a big help today" thanked Twilight. Unikitty giggled, "I'm always happy to help! Good luck on your first day your majesty!!!" with that Unikitty hopped off the balcony and flew away to return to her kingdom. Unikingdom. Now it's time for Twilight to rule her kingdom. Equestria. She gave a reassuring smile to her reflection on the glass door as she levitated her crown back onto her head. "I'm ready", and with that, she went on with her day.


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